Wings Across America 2008: The Journey of the SQuiRT, Introduction

For over five years was the central place for information on the Wings Across America 2008 (WAA-08) project. Created in 2008, WAA-08 united a group of modelers intent on flying a radio-controlled, electric-powered model called the SQuiRT around the country., along with forums on, and emails from Frank Geisler, who conceived and organized the project, allowed the registered pilots waiting for their turn to bring the SQuiRT to their home field to keep in touch.
Frank wanted the WAA-08 project to do bring modelers together, as well as help promote model aviation as a fun family hobby. He succeeded on both accounts. By requiring that the model being delivered in person from pilot to pilot, modelers met other modelers and continued the interactions on-line. The story of a model flying in the 48 contiguous states also attracted news coverage at many locations.

SQuiRT began its journey on Memorial Day weekend 2008 in Gloucester, Virginia and then traveled to the next pilot. Over five years later the SQuiRT returned back to Virginia. Shortly afterwards it was donated to the museum in a small ceremony.

Want to immerse yourself in the Wings Across America 2008 adventure? The forum is on-line here:
Want to know more about the SQuiRT? Choose one of these options to read more!
The SQuiRT, and all related artifacts, were donated in honor of those who shared our dream; Promoting Model Aviation – One Pilot At A Time.
For more information on the National Model Aviation Museum, including our location, hours and admission fees visit:
I just learned about WAA-2008 and found it awesome! What a challenge! Nice to know so many RC pilots felt the need for joining the project. Now I wish I can find plans for such a successful, nice RC aircraft, the SQuiRT.
I have some questions: how far did the model fly in each state? Was it picked up by a pilot at the border line between states ad then flown for a distance, then passed to another pilot and so up to the next state?
Hi, Robert,
Thanks for your interest! The SQuiRT was not flown continuously across each state. Instead, it would have been flown by one pilot – or more! – at a local model airplane field, someone’s property, or at a popular tourist site (with permission from the owners) in a flight pattern. After all the pilots at that site flew it, it’d be packed off and delivered to another pilot at a place that was an easy distance for each. Sometimes that pilot was in the same state, or sometimes another state. They did not record the distance of each flight.
The RC Groups thread where the SQuiRT was discussed is still around – I’m sure they’d enjoy talking about it with you –
SQuiRT kits are still for sale! You can find them here:
A model airplane has flown across full states before – even across the country! That airplane is The Liberty Bell. More info on that plane is here:
and here:
Thanks again for your interest!