New gallery

For the first time in many years, the National Model Aviation Museum is adding gallery space.

The new gallery is 1,100 square feet and is located in what used to be the Plans area.  (Plans isn’t going away, though – the office has just moved into another area of the museum building.)

The space that used to house the plans area is being transformed into a new gallery space.
The new gallery space in progress.

It isn’t quite done yet, but we’ve been busy dissembling furniture and moving boxes and installing new lights.  Once everything is moved and the area is remodeled a bit, the space will open in April featuring a traveling hands-on exhibit about the science of flight.  That exhibit runs until the end of July.

In between preparing the gallery and getting everything in place for the exhibit, we’ve also been interviewing for a new Education Specialist to join the AMA Staff and setting up for the Muncie Symphony Orchestra Concert here on Saturday.  Needless to say, museum staff haven’t been at our desks often lately, so if you call, the best bet is to hit zero to get the operator so she can page us.
We’ll keep you updated on progress, so stay tuned.