Bob Sifleet’s modeling career continued after 1976. He represented the United States on multiple teams for F1E and F1C competition on the international level, and managed three United States Junior Free Flight FAI teams. In 2003, he was World Champion for F1E (Free Flight Slope Soaring), and he placed 2nd in 2013. The other awards he won , both on the local, national, and international level, are too many to list (or remember!).
Bob was inducted into Model Aviation’s Hall of Fame in 2000.

In 2016, he donated his world champion F1E model to the museum.

Bob’s still going strong, traveling and competing, and helping to promote Free Flight and model aviation as a great, life-long hobby.

Bob’s 3 Grand National Champion trophies and 4 Open National Champion trophies are in the museum as part of the museum’s permanent collection, and on exhibit until Labor Day 2018. Please stop by to see them in person!
For more information on the National Model Aviation Museum, including our location, hours and admission fees visit:
Bob was a great inspiration for me. He took me to his basement worksop that inspired my own workshops, 50 years ago, probably longer. Bob gave me a wing he built for a (FF) sailplane, and also suggested the fuselage and tail design. That plane flew great!~ He also showed me a glider design that he developed, that, no matter how you threw it, it would end up by going up! Thank you Mr. Sifleet you continue to be an inspiration to me, since I was about 12 years old. Mr. Howard Weil also, often picked me up and drove me to and from the meetings of the Baltimore Aircraft Modelers Club, I’ll never forget how you helped me