Flying the Stratolark, Francis Heeb won the Mulvihill contest for the 3rd time in 1965. The Stratolark, which combined two of Frank’s previous Wakefield designs, boasts a 56″ fuselage, 300 square inch wing area and a hand-carved 24-28 prop.

With a wing loading of 2.85 ozs. per 100 square inches and a 1:30 motor run it boasted three five minute flights and a last flight of 4:49 minutes.

Thank you to the Heeb family for donating the Stratolark to the museum!
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I remember seeing a stratolark being flown by George Rivers at the 1970? NATS, really an impressive model that was unfortunately destroyed by a blown rubber motor. I just had to build one. I bought a set of plans from Model Airplane News and built it. It flew well in spite of my somewhat crude construction.
I built two stratolarks. Between them, they lasted a total of fifteen flights, before being lost in contests. A fantastic design.