Cover Blast: Model Aviation Covers, pt. 6

The plain text cover of the April 1955 issue is off-set by the bright yellow paper it is printed on.
National Model Aviation Museum, Lee Renaud Memorial Library. Model Aviation, vol. 18, no. 4, April 1955.
The August 1955 cover advertised, in bright color, the Nats at the Los Alamitos Naval Air Station.
National Model Aviation Museum, Lee Renaud Memorial Library. Model Aviation, vol. 18, no. 8, August 1955.
Grand Nats Champion Woody Blanchard won a trophy almost as tall as he was.  The picture was featured on the September 1955 issue of Model Aviation.
National Model Aviation Museum, Lee Renaud Memorial Library. Model Aviation, vol. 18, no. 9, September 1955.
Two ConAir scientists work with a wind tunnel model on the cover of the Model Aviation February 1957 issue of Model Aviation.
National Model Aviation Museum, Lee Renaud Memorial Library. Model Aviation, vol. 20, no. 2, February 1957.

Want to see more?

Cover Blast, pt. 1

Cover Blast, pt. 2

Cover Blast, pt. 3

Cover Blast, pt. 4

Cover Blast, pt. 5

Cover Blast, pt. 7

Cover Blast, pt. 8

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