When groups of non-modelers and students visit the museum, they often ask if they can have a flight demonstration. While we have tried to accommodate such requests in the past, it has been difficult because there was no designated flying or viewing area in the museum’s immediate vicinity (there is, of course, the 1000 acres of flying area on the property, but sometimes transporting groups out on site gets problematic, and there is no provided seating, which means groups would need to bring their own lawn chairs).

Earlier this month, the museum was able to purchase and install a set of bleachers, as well as a sound system. With the bleachers in place, groups can now sit at a safe distance while watching models fly over the grassy area behind the museum building.

The sound system, which consists of two speakers mounted on the building and a cart containing the microphone and sound board will allow a spokesman to give commentary on flight techniques while a pilot flies the model. Visitors will also be able to ask questions into a mic, so that the commentator, pilot and other visitors can all hear, and the commentator can answer.

We are excited to incorporate this new setup into our developing educational programing.
Thats great,nothing like seeing the realy thing in action.It would be great to have an indoor flying area which could be used for the same thing plus it would give members a place to fly summer and winter.Indiana weather gives us a short flying time and the long winters get boring building and using the simulator.The winter flyin events could also be possisable.Hope to see an indoor range especially since this is headquarter.