Category: Remote ID

Airspace Classification

There are two broad classifications of airspace: controlled and uncontrolled. Class A, B, C, D, and E are categorized as controlled airspace. Class G is uncontrolled airspace. Class G airspace extends from the surface to the base of the overlying Class E airspace. New recreational UAS operating requirements state that to operate in controlled […]

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Safety Risk Management Process for Controlled Airspace

The AMA Government Affairs team has been working with clubs that are in controlled airspace to secure Letters of Agreement (LOA) for their flying sites. The FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018 requires all flying sites within controlled airspace to have a LOA with air traffic control (ATC) facilities. Throughout the past year, AMA has been working with a team within the […]

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AMA Government Affairs Update 5/22/2020

The AMA Government Affairs team continues to work with Congress and the FAA despite the ongoing pandemic.We have been able to conduct telephone meetings and participate in virtual video conferencing in order to continue our efforts to advocate for the hobby. In the past few weeks, we have seen developments […]

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Model Aviation Enthusiasts Advocate Against Remote ID

Thank you to everyone who has stood up for the preservation of model aviation by providing comments on the FAA’s Proposed Rule for Remote ID. Every comment matters! We also express extreme gratitude to everyone who has gone above and beyond to comment multiple times, encourage friends and family to comment, and even produce media content explaining just how […]

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AMA Government Advocacy Coalition

A new coalition has launched to protect the model aviation hobby industry, starting with the fight for a better rule on remote identification of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). The coalition includes aviation associations, hobby shops and manufacturers. As a united front and voice, the AMA Coalition has been sharing their concerns […]

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