UPDATED: 8-17-2022
The US Team for FAI F3J (RC Thermal Duration Junior and Senior) took home gold and silver at the World Championships for Model Gliders, held July 31-August 5 in Levice, Slovakia. This was one of the most experienced US teams in recent years, according to one of the team managers. Top placements included:

Gold Team: USA Juniors
Gold Team: USA Seniors
Silver Individual Senior: Neal Huffman
Gold Individual Junior: Sean Summers
Silver Individual Junior: Charleston Thomas
“The highlight was having my family with me.,” Neal stated. “My wife, Dawn, has attended two worlds and has always been my biggest cheerleader. She was also key in keeping the pilots organized and knowing when they needed to be on the flightline. This year was also very special because my 11- year-old son, Nicholas, attended his first worlds with me,” he added.
“My other highlight was the camaraderie with my other team pilots. The Junior team was always huddled together in the tent laughing and playing games and my fellow Senior pilots were always willing to lend a hand, with technical problems or just with a good pep talk.”
For more, go to https://www.facebook.com/TeamUSAF3J/
Or for final results head here: https://f3jwch2020.sk/Results.php

You’re missing another achievement! The USA Team Seniors took Gold as well!
This team really put in the effort from the time the team was selected all the way back in Fall of 2019. These guys worked really hard despite COVID and the two reschedulings of the event. The pilots, managers, and support crew all deserve a big cheer and thank-you. They really represented the USA us superbly!
Congrats, Sean.
FYI – The F3J Worlds was in Slovakia, at LITTEAM FIELD.
This is about 400 miles northwest of Vipava.
The Senior Team and Junior Teams won the GOLD.
Great people attended the event from many countries.
The beauty of F3J is the team aspect of the sport.
Gordon Buckland (Junior team manager) and Jody Miller ( Senior Team Manager) put together a remarkable group of dedicated people. Chris Burns, Steve Lucke, and Charles Thomas kept the winches moving and helped spot for the pilots. Gordon, Jody, and Dave Bradley Jr. helped keep them all in the air making their times, etc. Congrats Team USA. Great job by the Team USA sponsors that helped make it all happen.