EAA’s Airventure Oshkosh, July 24-30, 2023, in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, will be celebrating its 70th year in 2023. The event is known as the largest annual gathering of aircraft and aviation enthusiasts in the world with more than 600,000 people in attendance.

AMA volunteers and staff will be on hand at several locations to help introduce attendees to the wonderful world of model aviation.
Several teams from across the US will again be competing in the finals for AMA’s UAS4STEM, Sponsored by Skydio.

KidVenture plays host to model-building activities and Control Line flying.
RC evening flying, sponsored by Wing, takes place behind the EAA Aviation Museum each evening Monday through Saturday during AirVenture.

The EAA Blue Barn will be introducing EAA chapters to the EAA Young Eagles Build and Fly program.

The Model Aviation Experience trailer will be stationed along the main flightline just down from the ultralights.

AMA staff will also be giving presentations to educators and making an appearance on EAA Radio to talk about AMA programs.
It’s great to see such a great presence by the AMA and Horizon as well as those who supported EAA at OSHKOSH! Model aviation is the beginning of a great adventure.