I’m back from the long drive home from Georgia to Texas after attending the annual Georgia Aircraft Modelers Association (GAMA) and their Southeastern Model Show (SMS), aka “The Perry Swap Meet” in Perry, Georgia. This was my second trip to this “Super Bowl of Swap Meets” along with my good […]
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October 2024 AMA Sanctioned Event Calendar Supplemental Event Listings
The October 2024 issue of Model Aviation delivery will be delayed by two weeks in both print and digital formats. We want to make sure that members have the last-minute opportunity to view some of the supplemental “Sanctioned Event Calendar” club event listings that will take place in October. Don’t […]
Continue reading63rd GCRCC Flying Circus
It was another successful year for the Greater Cincinnati Radio Control Club’s RC Flying Circus at Butler County Regional Airport. There were around 45 pilots, 40 volunteers, over 150 aircraft, and a huge crowd enjoying the airshow and candy drop. Below are photos and a video provided by AMA member […]
Continue reading2023 October Build Month (Year) Contest
We’re adding something new to AMA’s annual October Build Month… 11 more months! We know many of you are already planning your winter build projects, so why not share your project with us and have a chance to win something, too! We want our members to start a build this […]
Continue readingJoe Nall Week 2023 – Round Two!
Bucket List (noun): A list of the experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime. Example: “If you love model aviation, Joe Nall Week should be on your bucket list.” Truth be told, I had already checked off my Joe Nall Week bucket list […]
Continue readingNew Mystery Unboxing from the National Model Aviation Museum!
Michael Smith, Director of the National Model Aviation Museum, has received a new exhibit to display, and he reveals it in this new Mystery Unboxing video! The Horizon 60 was designed and manufactured by Helmut Holder and Hubert Bitner. It was piloted by Bitner to a first-place prize at the first […]
Continue readingLet’s Build: Mulitrotors
Mark your calendars, set that reminder or click that notification. Let’s build multirotors! Join AMA’s Digital Experience Lead and Executive Producer of AMA Air, Dillon Carpenter, live Tuesday, May 12 at 2 p.m., as he builds out a ReadyMade RC Strix Screech multirotor frame. Learn the basics of soldering, programming, […]
Continue readingStaying Connected: AMA Facebook Hop
What exactly is a Facebook Hop you may wonder? A Hop is a way to digitally connect individuals by taking them through multiple linked (tagged) Facebook pages/profiles. A group of people sign on to participate in the Hop by posting a themed piece of content to their Facebook newsfeed and connecting that post to another participant by tagging his […]
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