Kwik-Fli, Slow Build: 15 November 2012

Kwik-Fli, Slow Build Blog Series header graphic. With a close-up of the model's engine at center, the graphic is done in orange and blue.15 November 2012. I’m finished! I’m just waiting for the white RC 56 glue to settle, so I won’t lose the canopy, and I’m done! Everything is working, both the Futaba 7 Model I and Mode II are charged and properly set, I’ll be able to fly anytime, starting from tomorrow. I asked Peter if he wanted to be with me for the maiden flight, so I’ll have to wait for him. In the meantime, I’ll proceed with another airplane!

Graphic showing a completed Kwik-Fli Mk. II with text superimposed - I'm finished! I'm done!Next post: November 16, 2020

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