8 April 2011. I’m carving all the fuselages, and this is the Mk. II! The shaping is not that bad, and I’m quite confident the tank hatch will look better than the previous one. I have to remember to glue some nose block in place before attempting the final shape of the nose… I do not want to bother with a spinner, but I have to try to be as “scale” as possible, in any event. Thi sis what I can get from the “applicable documentation”: not too much, but at least it gives an idea of what Phil was doing on the Kwik Fli 2. I’m sure the spinner we have on the Mk. III is part of the modifications he introduced to reduce the tail wiggling of the Mk. II. I also have to find a canopy for the Mk. II; I have the original (plus spares) for the Mk. III, but the one for the Mk. II is smaller, and I’ll have to check around…

Taking a small break! Next post: May 8, 2011
See all the Kwik-Fli, Slow Build posts!
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