Museum in a Box Intro: Intro to Flight

Short on time?
Want a break from the same old curriculum?
Not enough funding for a field trip?

Why not bring the museum to your classroom with the National Model Aviation Museum’s affordable NEW Museum in a Box Program: Intro to Flight!

An overview of the Intro to Flight box from above. The binder, skystreak and rocket launch activities can be seen.
The Museum in a Box Intro to Flight box is packed full of hands-on STEM activities.

Designed according to the Indiana State Department of Education’s Indiana Academic Standards, “Intro to Flight” is a project based STEM classroom program that teaches students about aviation through the lens of model aviation! From gliders to rockets, this Museum in a Box is a fun way to incorporate something new into your lesson plan.

Another close-up of the binder and hands-on activities found in the Museum in a Box Intro to Flight - including stickers!
The Intro to Flight Museum in a Box also comes with stickers!

“Intro to Flight” is available to local Muncie/Delaware County teachers for two weeks at a time for the low cost of $25*.

A colorful piture of the binder, skystreak and rocket that can be found in the Intro to Flight Museum in a Box.
The Intro to Flight Museum in a Box comes with a detailed binder with background information and hands-on how-to.

For more information about “Intro to Flight” or to reserve it for your classroom, please contact Museum Educator, Claire Aldenhuysen, at
or by calling at 765-287-1256 x509.

Want to reserve right now?  Do so here!

*(While we do our best to provide as many consumables as possible, in order to keep costs down, we do expect your classroom to have some materials on hand for the completion of the projects (for example: tape, scissors, pencils, and glue sticks).

For more information on the National Model Aviation Museum, including our location, hours and admission fees visit: