New Addition: Tartan Twin

Steve Rojecki, flying the Reed Falcon, won the Tournament of Champions in 1984. When Ken Bonnema, (who built the model) donated the model to the museum in memory of Don Chapman in 2011, it was missing its engine. Now, no longer! Thanks to the generosity of Mark Radcliff a Tartan twin was just installed, completing the Reed Falcon once again.

A large biplane with white wings and fuselage detailed in black, gold, and red stripes.
Reed Falcon RC Aerobatics model, donated by Ken Bonnema in Memory of Don Chapman.
A large engine with twin, square heads - no prop.
Tartan Twin engine, donated by Mark Radcliff.

Thanks, Mark, for helping us complete the Reed Falcon and grow the collection!

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One comment

  1. BEAUTIFUL Biplane!!!! Remind’s me of a shortened Stolp Starduster.

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