50th Anniversary of the 1967 Nats

50 years ago today the 1967 Nats at the Naval Air Station in Los Alamitos, CA were in full swing.  It’s a lot of work getting everyone registered, as this birds-eye photograph shows.  Those white pith helmets were a helpful accessory in the heat.  A few have even survived to be in the museum’s collection!

To learn more about the 1967 Nats, please see the July 2017 issue of Model Aviation.

Taken from a high place, this photograph looks down at the registration table, which is crowded with people sitting and standing.  A box with a model in it, a pile of white pith helmets and a file are all on the table.
Birds-eye view of Nats registration. (Photo Credit: Official United States Navy Photograph. Source: National Model Aviation Museum Archives, #0001 AMA Collection.)

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