Bob Palmer’s Go-Devil was designed in the late 1940s and considered to be the first Control Line Stunt model flown with flaps. The museum is in the process of building a replica of this model for the collection, but we’ve hit a snag.
We’ve been unable to locate photographs of the original model and don’t know the color scheme. A source has said that the colors were red with black trim, but we are hoping to corroborate this with others. Since this is becoming part of the museum collection, we want the model to be as accurate and authentic as possible.
Update: An original picture of the Go-Devil has been located and it shows the model as white with a contrasting trim, probably a red. THANK YOU! to everyone who searched and provided help and memories.

If you have memories or photographs of Palmer’s original Go-Devil, please email Maria at , or call (765) 287-1256, ext. 508.
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