Category: Uncategorized

Keep Up the Great Work!

Emails and phone calls are pouring into offices on Capitol Hill.  This campaign has been very strong and gaining momentum, opening the door for discussions with representatives, senators, and organizations looking to support AMA and the hobbyist community.  It’s critical that we don’t stop letting our representatives know the devastating […]

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Take Action Now! Tell Congress to Vote “NO” on FAA Reauthorization

Congress just released a new Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reauthorization bill, the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018. This bill is the result of closed-door negotiations between leadership of the House and Senate and includes significant modifications to the Special Rule for Model Aircraft, also known as Section 336. While some […]

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Risk-Based Approach for Recreational Regulations Essential in Upcoming FAA Reauthorization

Today, AMA president Rich Hanson sent letters to  the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate, requesting they consider a risk-based approach to regulating recreational unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). This would ensure the safe integration of UAS into the nation’s airspace while continuing to allow responsible model aircraft operators to […]

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