New RC Helicopter SIG Takes Off

By ARCCHS President Tom Dooley

The American Radio Control Competition Helicopter Society (ARCCHS) was formed in late 2023 and submitted an application to the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) to establish a dedicated Special Interest Group (SIG) for model helicopter Precision (Pattern-style format) competition. The SIG application was approved in January 2024.

Similar to other competition-based SIGs, RC model helicopters have many fliers whose focus is dedicated to this style of flying at local, national, and international competitions. This created the need to have a SIG dedicated to support and grow Precision-style helicopter flying.

For many years, helicopter Precision flying has been supported by an active and consistent group of fliers; however, there have been limited resources regarding where to attend events or how to become involved in competition flying. The long-term goal for ARCCHS is to help establish and promote more events and increase participation.

With competition event listings, focus on building blocks for Novice, Intermediate, and Advanced fliers to reach the next level, and fun-fly games that get fliers hooked on Precision hovering and aerobatics, ARCCHS invites any and all pilots to participate and join another great aspect of RC model helicopter flying.

ARCCHS will also be responsible for running the AMA Nats for all helicopter classes, including Scale, and the United States F3C and F3N World Championship Team Trials qualification process.


  1. I thank the AMA for accepting our application as a SIG and for this publicity. I also thank the Board Members of ARCCHS that produced this brief article to be published: Nick Maxwell, Secretary and Cliff Hiatt, Treasurer. We are excite for the upcoming NATS and Team Trials on August 4 – 7, 2024, so be sure to come out to Site 3 at the IAC to participate or spectate.

  2. FANTASTIC! I stopped flying my heli’s because no one was interested in precision flying.

  3. Well, Scott, if you can make it to Muncie during the Helicopter NATS and Team Trials, you will find many like minded pilots to share your love for precision aerobatics.

    Go to for our Facebook Group and ARCCHS.ORG, our web page that we just got up. More to come on both. We are a young organization with tremendous passion and history for precision aerobatics. We can use all of the passion that you have also.

    Get back to flying and join us! We would love to have you and all others that have interest.

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