35th Annual B-17 Gathering & Big Bird Fly-In

BB Weber’s famous “Bomber Field”

The 35th Annual B-17 Gathering & Big Bird Fly-In was held September 14-16th, 2023 at Bomber Field USA in Monaville, Texas. We were blessed with fair weather and a large group of pilots and visitors during the entire event. I’ve been attending this event since the 90’s and try to make it out every year to fly or capture photos & video clips for the club.

BB Weber with his Standard J-1 after the successful maiden.
A look back in time at Bomber Field in 2002.

Bomber Field USA was built with the vision and funds of BB Weber. BB grew up loving airplanes – big ones and rubber-band powered balsa kits. As a successful businessman, he was able to bring his vision to life on our 50 acre privately owned facility. BB’s passion was for scale, multi-engine LARGE RC planes. The fuselage of his Tupolev Tu-95 21′ wingspan Russian Bear still hangs in our Quonset hut. BB passed away in 2013 but his love for this hobby continues as we continue to host flying events each year in his honor.

Ryon Lockhart’s metal-tape covered B-17 Flying Fortress.
Mike Laible’s B-24 Liberator “Homeward Angel”

Pilots come from near and far to enjoy the flying, fellowship and the food. Some arrive on Sunday before the event! In total, there were 112 registered pilots from eight states and our good buddies from across the border in Mexico. Around 300 guests showed up on Saturday to enjoy the busiest flying day. “Bomber Burgers” with bacon and veggies are served daily. In keeping with the LARGE SCALE and food theme; Legend Hobby donated lunch to the pilots on Friday with an 8′ diameter pizza (yes, 8 feet) from Dirt Road Cookers.

Texas Warbird Thunder Team Co-Founder, Greg Yancy’s Top Flite P-51.

Bomber Field USA would like to thank their awesome sponsors this year: Thomas Wheeland with Legend Hobby, Warbird Models, AirBoss RC, Futaba, Horizon Hobby/FMS, HiTec, Zoom RC, RCGF Stinger Engines, HSD Jets, Scale RC Engines, RTL Fasteners, Dubro, Warbird Pilots, A&E RC.  

Ryon Lockhart won the coveted B-17 Trophy for a 2nd year in a row. Gorgeous model and it flies beautifully.

Congrats to all the winners this year:
– Best Electric – Royce Piraino, Dornier
– Best Pre WWII- Geraldo Gutierrez
– Best WWII – Barry Raborn, Corsair
– Best Jet – Paul Bloxham, Buccaneer
– Best Multi Engine. – Ryon Lockhart, C47
– Best B17 – Ryon Lockhart
– Best of Show – Ryon Lockhart

Click to view image gallery on Flickr.

by Lee Ray / AMA Social Media Manager

One comment

  1. For sale

    Custom built P 51 D. Built by Bucky, owner of R/C shop in Sugarland. Flown very little but fly’s exactly like a mustang should. Exceptional detail and construction. DLE 55 and custom wheels. Robart retracts. Radio installed and ready to fly.

    Reason for selling is I retired to the hill country and have no place to fly it. A beautiful war bird. $2,950.

    Scott 8326832259

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