Our Message is Being Heard

Over the past two weeks tens of thousands of AMA members and model aviation supporters have written over 80,000 individual letters to members of Congress expressing their concern regarding FAA’s intent to regulate model aircraft, and there are clear signs that our message is being heard. Scores of Congressmen have responded to their constituents with letters of understanding and support. Below are excerpts from a few of the letters sent from Capitol Hill. Though an amendment protecting model aviation has not yet been introduced into H.R. 658, we now have several supporters in the House and at this point the legislative process is taking its course. Last Thursday the FAA Reauthorization and Reform Act was sent to the House Committee on the Judiciary and is expected to return to the floor next week. Unfortunately, there are no guarantees, but at this point we are seeing positive movement in the House of Representatives and we are optimistic that Congress will act to protect model aviation from unnecessary and potentially debilitating federal regulation.

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House Bill Does Not Yet Protect Model Aviation

Both the Senate and the House have prepared Bills that address the FAA’s Re-Authorization. S.223 has already passed the Senate and it contains an amendment to exempt model aviation. Click here to view the amendment. H.R. 658 is on the House floor awaiting passage and does NOT yet have a similar amendment. We are actively meeting with Representatives on the Hill and working to build support for such an amendment. While we have had many promising meetings, we still need your help.

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Candid Letter About the AMA

A recent posting on the AMAGov Facebook Page got me to thinking and reflecting back on my own feelings about the AMA. I’ve been a member and part of AMA for over 40 years and for me AMA has always been the heart beat of the hobby. AMA has consistently been at the forefront of nurturing and protecting Model Aviation with the goal of ensuring this activity survives and thrives for the enjoyment of generations of aeromodeling enthusiasts. But, I think Arend Schuurman put it much better than I can. Arend, Thank you for your candid and heart-felt posting.

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“Freedom of Flight” Inspirational AMA Member Letter

I would like to thank everyone for the rapid-fire response we’ve seen to our recent Congressional Awareness Campaign. So far we have had over 27,000 individual letters sent to Congress… But don’t stop now. My hope is that each and every modeler and aviation enthusiast with a love for the “Freedom of Flight” will respond to this call to action.

To put it in perspective, I would like to share with you a recent letter received from Ali R. Moshiri, and AMA member. This letter touched my heart and Ali expressed better than I can why our efforts are so important.

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Congressional Awareness Campaign Initiated

On February 17, the US Senate passed S. 223, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Air Transportation Modernization and Safety Improvement Act, sponsored by Senator Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia. Additional help in shepherding the bill came from Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas, and Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma was instrumental in including an amendment to the Bill that provides an exemption for aeromodeling activity “conducted in accordance with a community-based set of safety guidelines within the programming of a nationwide community-based organization.” We would like to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation to Senators Rockefeller, Inhofe and Hutchison for their support and efforts on our behalf.

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Tell Congress To Protect Model Aviation

The FAA is developing new regulations that may place onerous and unnecessary restrictions on the hobby, sport and educational pursuit of model aviation. It is extremely important that all aeromodeling enthusiasts stand up and tell Congress to protect model aviation from pending federal regulation by the FAA. Therefore, we have developed a simple, direct way to reach your lawmakers in only a couple clicks. You can begin HERE or by clicking on the ACT NOW button at the bottom of modelaircraft.org/gov page and then CONTACT CONGRESS.

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