What Is LAANC?
In 2019, the Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability (LAANC) became available to recreational UAS operators. LAANC is an automated service for which to apply and quickly receive approval from the FAA to fly outside of AMA club locations while in controlled airspace. All model aircraft and drone operations within controlled airspace (Classes B, C, D, and E) must be authorized by the FAA before flying. For members operating at AMA club flying sites with established Letters of Agreement (LOAs), the LOA serves as your FAA authorization.
How Do I Use LAANC?
To access LAANC, you need to sign up with a service provider. Several companies have developed mobile and online portals that interface with LAANC. Although the basic service that each company offers is the same, there are pros and cons to each. You need to determine which company is appropriate for your needs. You will need to use either a mobile phone or device (cellphone, tablet, etc.) or a desktop computer to sign up with a service provider.
Click here to learn more about available LAANC service providers.
What Areas Does LAANC Cover?
LAANC covers most, but not all, controlled airspace. It is currently available at 726 airports. For a full list of air traffic facilities participating in LAANC, visit the FAA website. If you want to fly in controlled airspace where LAANC is not offered, you must do so at a flying site with an LOA or use the manual process to apply for an authorization.
It is important to check current NOTAMs/TFRs before flying. Visit AMA’s NOTAM page or the FAA’s list of current TFRs to stay up to date.
More Questions?
Please contact our team at (765) 287-1256 or amagov@modelaircraft.org.
For more information about LAANC, visit the FAA’s LAANC webpage.