Ryan Wallace Receives UAA President’s Award for Excellence

The AMA Education Department would like to congratulate Dr. Ryan Wallace for receiving the University Aviation Association President’s Award for Excellence. This award was given during the UAA’s 70th Annual Collegiate Aviation Conference in Riverside, California.

Dr. Wallace serves as committee chair for Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) for the UAA, and is also a professor of Aerospace Science for Polk University. The AMA and UAA recently partnered to launch a joint UAS program for college students. The UAS4STEM Collegiate Challenge will provide students with the knowledge needed to deploy drones in today’s industry. Dr. Wallace has been instrumental in the development of the collegiate challenge, and we are very pleased with the continued growth and positive relationships that have developed through our partnership.

Registration for the UAS4STEM Collegiate Challenge begins November 1st, and more information can be found at UAS4STEM.ORG.

Dr. Ryan Wallace
Dr. Ryan Wallace






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