AMA UMASC student is selected to receive North Carolina Sea/Space Grant

Grant recipient Anna Windle, who is also a member of the AMA University Model Aviation Student Club (UMASC) program,  is a master’s student at the Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment, studying coastal environmental management. Windle will assess oyster reef health to evaluate impacts of commercial harvest on reefs. She will work with her colleague, Sarah Poulin, also a master’s student at Duke. “This project will help to inform N.C. coastal managers about the current state of oyster reef health, and ultimately will act as a base level of oyster-reef health imagery and analysis for future studies,” Windle explains. She completed her bachelor’s degree in environmental science at Washington College in Maryland. She recently served as a research intern with Duke University’s Marine Robotics and Remote Sensing Lab in Beaufort. Currently, she is president of the Duke student chapter of The Coastal Society. She is originally from Elkton, Maryland.

Anna Windle (Right)
Anna Windle (Right)

AMA’s University Model Aviation Student Club (UMASC) program provides college students with the opportunity to become members of the AMA at a discounted rate, and charter a club for their university. For more information about the UMASC program, visit

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