Arconic Foundation Receives Dr. Mervin K Strickler Jr. Award

The AMA would like to congratulate the Arconic Foundation on receiving this year’s Dr. Mervin K. Strickler Jr. Award for Aerospace Education Leadership from the National Coalition for Aviation and Space Education (NCASE).

The Arconic Foundation has been an instrumental partner to AMA in the development of programs that highlight the importance of aviation and STEM education. Over the past 13 years, AMA has been the grateful recipient of five grants from the Foundation in support of these efforts. These grants have contributed to the development of AeroLab, a STEM math and science activities kit to demonstrate Newton’s Laws of Motion, AMA Flight Research Kits, which provide the materials for Arconic volunteers, teachers and community leaders to present to classrooms the important STEM opportunities within aviation. The grants also support UAS4STEM, a competitive program for middle and high school students to build their own drones and learn about aviation.

“The entire AMA community congratulates the Arconic Foundation on this prestigious award.” said Bill Pritchett, Director of Education, AMA. “We would especially like to thank the Foundation for its support of several of AMA’s STEM education programs. We look forward to a continued partnership with the Foundation for years to come.”

The Dr. Mervin K. Strickler Jr. Award for Aerospace Education Leadership recognizes those who share Dr. Strickler’s commitment to aerospace education through the demonstration of outstanding accomplishment to the aerospace field through education over a continuous period of time. The award was established by NCASE in 1995 to distinguish and honor excellence in aerospace education.

For more information about the Arconic Foundation, please visit 



  1. q=pilot+error+hurst&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwia0_Lz4beDAxXh_7sIHYfvCbEQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=pilot+error+hurst&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoECCMQJzoHCAAQgAQEzoGCAAQHhATUL4GWPYPYMUVaABwAHgAgAGLBIgB7g- SAQsxLjIuMC4yLjEuMZgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nwAEB&sclient=img&ei=Al6QZZrKKuH_7_UPh9-niAs&bih=871&biw=1280&hl=en

    Dear Sir or Madam,
    I have been looking for the authors of the book without success:
    Ronald Hurst
    Leslie R. Hurst
    Martin Allnut
    Mervin K. Strickler jr (deceased)
    R.S. Jensen
    E.L. Wieser
    R.E. Curry
    R.C.W. Weston

    This is about my planned essay “Human error in nuclear weapons”.
    I would have liked to ask the experts about this topic.
    I would also be very happy if there are experts who continue the work of the people mentioned above. I would also like to be in contact with them.
    Thank you very much for your help!

    Uwe Werner Schierhorn
    Aachener Str. 118
    D-50389 WESSELING
    +49 163 411 67 04

    1. Hello!

      Thanks for reading!

      Unfortunately, we cannot help much with your essay. We shared this information regarding Dr. Mervin K Strickler Jr because the Arconic Foundation received his award, and we’ve worked closely with the Arconic Foundation while developing AeroLab. We are not experts in the topic you’re looking for.

      However, if you need any help with model airplanes, we are more than willing to help you with that!

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