1. Ryan’s story is a perfect example how model aviation generates new full scale pilots. Both Ryan and his dad Sean are active modelers and went on to obtain their pilots licenses.

  2. I have 9 Year old twins. One of which is hoping to solo when he is 16. We struggle to get his hours in the air. We are lucky enough to have close friends that have taken him flying in their plane and also have had in the glider twice now. they did a ripcord take-off and emergency procedure landing just three weeks ago. We are invited to their fly-ins and we hope to join the club in the near future. We have visited numerous museums and have seen 3 of the 4 space shuttles and a meet and greet with some astronauts. He is an EAA member, however, there are not many resources to take advantage of locally. He has been encouraged to do well in school and join the services when able for the best access to a flying career, hobby or whatever his path takes him. we are grateful for this talent and hope to cultivate it as much as we can.

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