Training and Assistance: One of our primary goals is providing assistance and guidance to newer jet pilots. For years, our district representatives have been a source of information and assistance to newer jet pilots in their districts. Most of this is behind the scenes, while some occurs at jet events. Our website contains a Knowledge Bank with a variety of technical articles. We have discussed the development of video clips that would reduce the learning curve of entering the jet segment of the hobby, training a spotter, maintaining aircraft, and recurrent training, and we would like to become more active as a source of information and assistance to the growing electric jet population. These are but a sample of the types of information the JPO could generate and distribute.
Information: Through the website and Contrails, the JPO attempts to deliver current event and other relevant information to its membership. This includes the latest information about safety issues, regulatory happenings, jet event coverage, and aircraft flight reviews. It could be expanded to include more comprehensive information about emerging technologies (such as 3-D printing), real-world experience with various model kits and sources for lower cost parts and components. To this latter point, if our membership grows, we may be able to put purchasing leverage into play in negotiating volume discounts on commonly used parts, such as servos. Visit the JPO website at www.jetpilots.org to see our current inventory of information and merchandise available.
These are the core contributions that the JPO could make on behalf of its members. We have done and continue to do a number of these items. Having said this, our capacity to fulfill these needs fully and effectively depends on volunteers. If we are to remain a viable organization, we need to increase the number of people working on behalf of the JPO to help deliver value to the rest of the membership. We have a real need for people to fill District Vice President and other Board positions, help with communications and technology, and to develop the broad body of content that will be of value to fellow jet pilots.
If you have an interest in any of these areas, please drop me a line at pilot114@mac.com. I would be happy to discuss the skills and contributions that you believe you have to offer the organization, and will do our best to fit these to one of the core objectives of the JPO. I encourage you to step forward … no contribution is too small. Collectively, we can use the framework of the JPO to improve safety, reduce costs, manage regulatory demands, improve fellowship, and increase the enjoyment of this wonderful hobby for all.
Keith Sievers
President, JPO
I would help with a district position, I live in Middleburg Heights, Ohio.