Renew Under the Current Rates

UPDATED 8/8/2022

The following article by AMA CFO Keith Sessions will appear in the September 2022 Model Aviation.

DURING THE June 2022 AMA Executive Council (EC) meeting, the board approved a dues increase. This decision is never taken lightly. Increasing dues is done after we have explored other options, including ways to increase non-dues revenue, cutting costs, and reducing member benefits. The AMA has a long history of keeping dues consistent.

AMA’s last dues increase was voted on in 2015—seven years ago. The previous dues increase was in 2002, marking a 20-year period with only one increase.

Recent inflation has certainly impacted everyone, and the AMA has felt this as well. As of this writing, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) was up 9.1%, the largest increase since 1981. We have felt the impact of inflation throughout the past two years.

During the pandemic, supply chain disruptions caused paper prices to increase substantially. We were advised late last year to expect increases in the insurance premiums because of a hard market, and inflation will only exacerbate the insurance markets. Labor costs have also increased across the country.

For members who are feeling the crunch of higher costs everywhere, there are ways to delay the dues increase. The EC voted on a plan that allows discounts for two-year and three-year memberships. If you sign up for the three-year membership, the rate is still the equivalent of the current membership price, although you would pay the entire cost up front.

The cost of Life Memberships has not increased for many years. The new rate is $1,936, which is still a great value. The price was selected because 1936 was the year in which the AMA was founded. A Life Membership gives you all of the benefits that you currently have, while eliminating the concern for future dues increases.

A dues increase does not show up on the balance sheet right away. There is an expected decrease in membership after any increase in costs. This has proven to be temporary in the past.

With the membership plans available, members can delay the increase in cost, which in turn delays the revenue increase. A revenue increase typically is not felt for a couple of years. Next year, 2023, will be a year with higher expenses.

On top of inflation factors, the FAA reauthorization bill is up for changes in 2023. This will mean more travel expenses to Washington, D.C., lobbying expenses, and member communications.

—Keith Sessions,
AMA Chief Financial Officer

During the June 26, 2022, Executive Council meeting, it was decided to increase the price of membership. Since the last dues were established in 2015, there has been a 23.32% rise in inflation. The Executive Council was unanimous in its decision to increase dues but worked to keep the increase to roughly half the rate of inflation. Effective September 1, 2022, Adult memberships will be $85 and Senior membership will be $75.  AMA will offer two-year discounts and new, significant three-year discounts.  We will share more details about these discounts and rates as we approach September 1.  In the meantime, we encourage you to renew before the rates go up.  Even if you are not up for renewal in the immediate future, you can renew early at the current rate by calling (765) 287-1256, ext. 129, or visiting


  1. Fair enough. Thanks for the Heads Up. You are gonna hear a lot of “wailing and gnashing of teeth” but NOT from me. Yah gotta do, what yah gotta do.

    Mark Roddy

    a.k.a. old_coastie

  2. They sure know how to hurt retirees… SS goes up by a few dollars, and then Insurance takes double that out of our check. One step forward and Two steps back.!!! I have been an AMA member for as long as I can remember (8045/CD). I barely get to fly much any more, and only attend a couple of sanctioned events per year. With the high price of fuel and lodging, most seniors are left out. PLUS, by renewing early, they have way more money in the bank to play with. How big were the raises at AMA Hdq. this year???

  3. What a crappy time to do this. We are all suffering from inflation and forced to tighten our belts at home. Why can’t you do the same at least until things settle down? Just another idiotic move by the EC. The timing SUCKS.

  4. AMA is an organization for a hobby that can be expensive and many aspects are. AMA doesn’t owe anyone a cheap membership just because you might spend only a small amount of money on your hobby. Try running your own business as see how never raising prices works out. Some of these comment make me thing a number you should find a cheaper hobby.

  5. What are yall going to do for us we pay and get more regulations put on us I mean a price increase is ok if needed but I don’t feel it’s needed I feel this is the wrong time everything has went up and this is a dying hobby

  6. Thanks to all of our members who have responded to this blog post. Your input is important to us and we appreciate that you shared your thoughts concerning your organization.
    The AMA mission provides much-needed support for our members and the model aviation community. From Flying Site Improvement Grants to government representation, FAI world competitions to educational programs for newcomers, member dues help pay for all of the member benefits, programs, award-winning magazine, world-class museum, and advocacy provided on your behalf. Membership dues ensure that we can continue to deliver these high-quality benefits and support new initiatives to grow the hobby.

  7. Unreal this Is happening will be the end of more members. if need more money to more to get people to join not price others out of clubs

  8. With the FAA fowling up the hobby I hope the dues increase will be used to fight this socialist move by the FAA.

  9. Those that can afford it will never complain. Those struggling to get by will. Can’t blame them. I liked the question about salaries, didn’t see a response. Maybe waiting for the next year, to see what it brings. JMHO

  10. Suppose we start a new AMA and call it something else, do we really need a magazine? Wouldn’t a newsletter be just as good and cheaper.

  11. I understand an increase but a 26% increase for the park pilot membership. All of our members are retirees on a fixed income. This will drive them out of the hobby.

  12. It’s just one more thing starting to cause me (72 year old living on SS only) problems with my hobby budget vs. life expenses. How about doing away with the monthly magazine? Most issues are the same 15 vendors advertising and there is very little reading content.

  13. I can sympathize with folk that are on a fixed income. This increase impacts folks that are dealing with increasing costs on all fronts. I certainly would consider lower rates for those who do FF, CL and other similar activities.
    I agree with he gentleman who said that more members is the answer. You have to make the AMA relevant not only those who do modeling but those who can use their AMA membership to do commercial FPV flying. Programs that lead to full size pilot’s license are also essential,
    I am also very supportive of the support for STEM and other junior level programs. Active recruitment of high schools and even grade schools is essential. You may want to consider bulk enrollment of students participating in an AMA sanctioned grade school or highs cool program. Enough said…hope it helps.

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