AMA member and full-scale Embry Riddle Aerobatic Pilot Matt Chapman is scheduled to perform at the 10th annual Extreme Flight Championships to be held at AMA’s International Aeromodeling Center, Muncie Indiana June 15-17, 2012. Please note that during the airshow portion of XFC, certain restrictions will be in place in […]
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Synergy’s Innovative project on Kickstarter has modeling roots
Only 12 days left at the time of this blog post for the Synergy Aircraft Project to raise the requested funds on Kickstarter. A quick flyby of the Synergy v.18 double box tail, electric powered aircraft prototype. This footage is from the third test flight and was shot prior to […]
Continue readingThe first step to consider toward achieving the goal of becoming a UAV operator is simply by becoming being a hobbyist.
The best way to gain this information, Sprague said, is to get involved in hobby flying RC aircraft. Although this hobby “can be addictive and expensive,” it is the best way to quickly educate yourself in the UAV/UAS operations.
Far more than simply building and flying RC vehicles, Sprague advises the seriously-interested officer to join an AMA (Academy of Model Aeronautics) sanctioned RC club. Merely by being at the flying field with other club members, the hobbyist will be surrounded by experienced pilots who have a wealth of knowledge and insight into design and development of unmanned aircraft. There, the new hobbyist will be exposed to safety guidelines, aviation etiquette, and the FAA.
Continue readingDon’t kill RC modeling in the SF Bay Area
Breuner Marsh field in Richmond is one of the very few places in the Bay Area to practice it without having to drive over 160 miles round trip. The Bay Area Radio Control Society (BARCS) – a non profit organization – has been flying from this site for over 30 years. During this time, not only hundreds of members have benefited of enjoying this hobby but also, BARCS has been a pàying tenant, an excellent steward of the land, providing maintenance, public bathrooms and keeping people from dumping or sleeping in the area.
Continue readingAIA News 2012 Madison students take first place in Team America Rocketry Challenge
The Plains, Va. – Students from Madison West High School in Madison, Wis. placed first at the 10th annual Team America Rocketry Challenge finals Saturday, besting 99 teams from across the country to earn the title of national champion in a contest that puts kids on track for careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).
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