Since 1936, safety has been a key pillar of AMA. This includes the safety of our members, staff, and community. AMA continues to follow guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), local health officials, and from the state under Back on Track Indiana regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.
If you follow our media channels including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, then you already know that many members continue to enjoy this great hobby in a safe and responsible manner.
As vaccines for COVID-19 continue to roll out into 2022, we look forward to resuming more model flying activities, swap shops and events across the country. Members can fly at the International Aeromodeling Center (IAC) while complying with CDC and local guidelines. The National Model Aviation Museum will reopen in the spring.
Many events are scheduled at the IAC for 2022, to include the AMA Nats ,the National Fun Fly, and the FAI F3D/F3E world championships. We recommend that members check the Event Finder feature on the AMA website at, or check the Sanctioned Event Calendar in Model Aviation for updates.
As always, fly with safety in mind for your aircraft, yourself, and those around you!