Radio Control Club of Rochester (RCCR)
The Radio Control Club of Rochester (RCCR) holds an annual Chilly Chili Fun Fly on New Year’s Day. Members get the chance to show off their chili creation talents. Four great tasting pots of chili showed up this year and were enjoyed by the 17 people that attended. The last two years we had great flying conditions but this year was not as nice with only two brave pilots willing to challenge the wet and breezy conditions.
RCCR was established in 1957 and today maintains two flying sites on the west side of Rochester, NY. 2024 ended with 90 members.
Duane Fregoe
RCCR President

Kankakee Valley Model Flyers
We’re thrilled to have had our Club’s first-ever New Year’s Fly Day! The event began at 10:00 a.m. with a brisk chill in the air, the temperature hovering at 31 degrees Fahrenheit. Despite the cold, our excitement was sky-high. The winds were blowing at a steady 15 miles per hour, gusting up to 25 miles per hour, adding an extra thrill to our piloting skills.
Here’s to many more New Year’s Fly Days! ✨🛸🎆
Best Regards,
Keith Ahrens
Kankakee Valley Model Flyers

Aero Radio Club of Syracuse, NY (ARCS) Club #442
Our (approximately) 63rd annual New Years Day Fun Fly. Today was cold with rain turning into snow. We had to deal with 15-20 MPH gusting winds. Quite a workout for the foam! Of course the best part of it is getting together with friends and sharing stories, some of which are based on fact.
Looking forward to many more!
Herb Ziegler- ARCS President.

Kona RC Flyer’s Club
A few brave souls with the Kona RC Flyer’s club, joined together to celebrate the new year flying our planes. We showed up in shorts and T shirts to brave the 10 knot cross winds and 75 degree weather. (So much for living on the big island in Hawaii)
Ken Walker

Hill Hoppers RC Flying Club
The Hill Hoppers RC Flying Club from Wheeling WV. Fly on the 1st of January every year we have Sauerkraut and pork to start the New Year off .
John Clark

Tri City Modelers
Tri City Modelers in San Manuel AZ held our annual New Year’s Day fly in today. We were blessed with typically great southern Arizona weather and an exceptional turnout with 16 of our 20 club members taking part in the event.
Ray Emils
TCM Vice President
AMA 1876

Sarasota RC Squadron
Happy New Year Everyone !!
I may or may not be popular sending this but a first launch of the new year shouldn’t discriminate because some of us live in Florida. My apologies to all that actually were tough enough to endure the weather to get a first launch done this New Year’s Day in not so great conditions. Not to rub it in we started off with some heavy fog and about 60 degree temps and fairly light cross wind of 5 mph from the north, about 10 am brought a quick sunny burn off to the fog. It was warming and got to 74 degrees and made for a perfect flying day for the dozen or so flyers that came out. My Carbon Z Cessna looked great in the blue sky. A nice variety of aircraft were flown all in the electric scale and edf class jets, civilian and military alike. Many pilots have traditionally come out to fly on this holiday and unlike today even here in the land of sunshine we do occasionally don’t have it this good in January. For all you pilots up north we won’t according to the future weather cast not have it so great in the near future with colder than normal and some of the coldest we’ve seen here in years. When you live here and in the burning heat and sun most of the time it can be as bad as it feels for you northern guys. I know enough already. lol !!
Have a great 2025 and happy flying no matter where you are.
Roger R. Niolet
AMA 466068 CD
Team Jr Propo
Sarasota RC Squadron

Flying Cardinals of Northern Kentucky
The Flying Cardinals of Northern Kentucky held our annual Freeze Fly today. Seventeen members enjoyed a day of flying and fellowship to start the year right. Despite the freezing temps and wicked winds, some good flying was had and the food and bonfire were greatly enjoyed by all.
Doug Peaslee
Flying Cardinals Secretary

Beresford Area Radio Flyers
We had a great day at the FRIA field in Beresford, SD. Seventeen intrepid AMA members came to fly and eat. Temps were in the mid 20’s with a light breeze. The runway was frosty but there was no snow. Many flights were made—most with electric power. Two pilots managed to get their glow engines fired up and made some noisy flights.
Thanks to the Jensen family and the Larsen family, the crew enjoyed donuts, chili and sandwiches in the warm building. It was a great day to catch up with acquaintances and make plans for the summer flying season.
David Larsen
Beresford Area Radio Flyers

Yes we host a Chili Fly every year since 2014. This was our 10th or 11th year. No one really counts. We call it a Chili Fly as we serve free chili and open the field up to anyone who would like to fly with us that day. This year we had approximately 20 people show up. Not a bad turn out for a rainy Oregon Day. We signed up one new member and renewed many friendships. It started at Sunup,, by 8am we had planes in the sky, and a roaring fire in the pits. By 10:30 the chili was being served with a LOT of other goodies the members brought. The flying continued all thru the day. By Noon the rain had started. Most of the older pilots packed it in and left. The Younger crowd stayed for the scheduled Drone race… We held our first race of the year. A sub 250 gram AUW drone that must complete a five minute race. The competition was intense. Erik Suring was our Top qualifier and overall winner. Brad Moffett took second, and I held 3rd. Mattthew Sinderson took 4th. 8 pilots showed up to race. We all had a great afternoon. The rain intensified around 3pm. We put up our drones and pulled out “Hee Wings” . Four of us flew formation(four spotters too) in the rain. The most fun is flying With others. Four identical planes coming down the runway at the same time is really a sight to see. Somewhere there is a video of us. After about 4 we packed it up, cleaned up the field so you could not tell we were ever there. The first picture is the whole gang, except the ones who snuck out early. The second photo is the drone crew, Known as “Dronage”
Happy New Year to you all.
Chris Hickok AMA 3215
LARC Club Secretary charter 269

Silent Electric Flyers San Diego (SEFSD)
A select few Brave SEFSD Pilots were determined to start 2025 by flying despite Southern California’s extremely bitter cold mid-50’s F temperatures!
Very well done, Pilots! Happy New Year!
Photo by Frank “Hobie” Sutton

Minot Aircraft Modelers
Our club (Minot Aircraft Modelers) had a very exciting day at the field today at our annual NYD fun fly. Wayne Marshall, Trevor Ford, Gerald Currier, Larry Hanson, myself and two guests, Pat Galvan and Cortney (Wayne’s friends) braved the cold and the wind today. We flew our planes and enjoyed some coffee, donuts, hot chocolate and cheesecake in our heated hangar. Of course there were some mishaps with our planes, but nothing too serious. The lock on the gate was frozen so we couldn’t get in until Trevor brought out a bolt cutter. Good thing I was planning on replacing it so I had a new lock with me. All’s well that ends well. It was a great day.
George Lowther

Blacksheep RC Modelers
We experienced our 28th annual New Years Day Fly In and soup lunch. We had 20 members who braved the elements to get in a first flight of the new year as legend has it a flight on the first day of a new year is good fortune throughout the year. In a three-hour span of time from 10 am to 1 pm we were treated to snow, sleet, light rain showers, 25+ mph winds and even a few bursts of sunshine in the 30 degree temperatures.
Mark Wolf had the first fixed wing flight with his FMS Super Cub. John Louden was first to fly a delta flying wing. Parker Hall first to fly his new Goblin helicopter and Brian Aimer first to fly a FPV mission. Oh yeah, we all enjoyed ham & bean soup a chili and some interesting hangar flying.
Rege Hall
President Blacksheep RC Modelers
AMA Club #3032
Danville, IN

Barons RC Model Club
Barons RC Model Club had it’s annual January 1st SNOWBOWL FUNFLY. We had light snow flurries this year 32 degrees, 20 members turned out for the first flight of the new year. We had pulled pork sandwiches and hot coffee. Pictures by Debi Lutz.

Henderson Radio Control Model Airplane Club #2880
The Henderson Radio Control Model Airplane Club (AMA #2880) hosted its 25th annual Snowbird event at the Sandy L. Watkins Park and field. The weather was seasonably cold with temps in the low 30’s and a really stiff northwest wind; but, a total of fifteen members and family, (half of the club’s membership), braved the weather and were out to the heated ’Possum Lodge for the event.
The Snowbird event for our Club has always been done as a pot-luck lunch and for this year’s event was no different. There was a real variety of high quality dished prepared and enjoyed. We had a great slow roasted ham, two different prepared chilies, beans and rice, roast beef sandwiches, a broccoli salad, cooked apples, and a cheese tray for the savory side. The group also brought out and enjoyed several wonderful homemade desserts with: two pies, a cakes, a homemade blueberry bread, and assortments of several types of homemade cookies, brownies and even ice cream.
The Club started off the New Year with some limited flying in the 18-24 mph winds. The flying turned into a “Fun-Cub kind of day” with “Big Mike” being the first one up in the really stiff wind flying a total of six flights; Tom-Tom was up for a total of four flights; and Mike was up for just did two flights. Several member decided to fly just their chairs in the lodge building and stay close to the heat and food.
R. Mike Morton, Club Secretary/Treasurer and Newsletter Editor
Pictures by Club members Tom-Tom Sheffer and Norman Gentry.

Laurel Highlands Model Airplane Club
Yes, it’s 2025!
2025 promises to be a very active year at Laurel Highlands Model Airplane Club, Mammoth, PA (Mammoth Park), with Picnics, RC Flying lessons, Float flys, Warbird Races, Streamer combat, speed competitions, Night Fly’s, Scale events, Monthly meetings, Monthly newsletters, and community outreach.
For those of you who renew your membership or become a new member this year, We Thank you for your support!
Jim Zamerski secretary

Northern Connecticut Radio Control Club
NCRCC Frozen Finger Fun Fly Jan 1 2025
At Ellington CT. A foggy morning had 27 registered flyers from CT and MA show up at the club field for some flying. The best part is we got 4 new pilots that want to sign up with NCRCC. First to fly 2025 was Ron V.
Ola Nordell

Scio Flyers
The Scio Flyers continued their long-standing tradition with the annual Fanny Freeze on New Year’s Day 2025, an event started by the Ann Arbor RC Falcons back in 1974. Despite facing chilly conditions of 34 degrees and winds at fifteen miles per hour, the turnout was fantastic. Club members took to the skies, showcasing their dedication and love for flying. We even held a buddy boxing session for one of our young students, allowing them to experience flying RC for the first time. The combination of flying, learning, and camaraderie made it a memorable start to the new year for the club.
Jim Hartwell

Rochester Aero Modeling Society
Happy New Year from District II
The Rochester Aero Modeling Society was out braving the windy snowy weather getting in their first of the year flights and enjoying the warm fire and food inside their clubhouse.
-Chris Reibert

Greater Cincinnati Radio Control Club
The Greater Cincinnati Radio Control Club has been holding an annual Freeze fly on January 1st for over 65-years. The event has been held in some of the best and worst weather that mother nature can hand out. The object is to eat donuts, drink coffee and be the first to take off and land (on the runway) in the new year; then go to a restaurant to have breakfast and warm up. The winner gets their name plastered on a trophy and has bragging rights for a year. This year’s gala was held in lower 30s temps with winds down the runway, but were steady at 10mph, with gusts up to 21mph. The competition was to take off, and fly three rectangular patterns, with the upwind and downwind legs at roughly 1000 feet, then land. There were two heats, one for glow and one for electrics.
Randy Adams

Arvada Associated Modelers
The Arvada Associated Modelers (AMA #0399, Arvada, CO) hosted its annual Frozen Finger Fun Fly (“FFFF”) on New Year’s Day 2025. For the second year in a row, the weather was far from “frozen” with no snow, plenty of sunshine and mild temperatures (i.e. high-30’s in the morning and low-40’s by afternoon).
There were 9 very enthusiastic participants vying for the coveted FFFF trophy. The contestants competed in 3 events: 1) a diabolical ground event utilizing our “infamous” ramp; 2) a timed climb-n-glide with precision landing; and 3) a timed Limbo (i.e. most times under a 6-foot line in 60 seconds).
The FFFF and trophy has been an annual tradition since 2004. The event is held regardless of weather or conditions. Only 1 time was it postponed because we had so much snow that no one could get into the field. Thus, this was the 22nd consecutive event and awarding of the trophy. The lucky recipient this year is one of our Junior members, and he will be the CD for next year’s event.
Submitted by,
Joe Pirozzoli, President

Flying Aces Pilot Association
It was a cold, windy day in beautiful Huntersville North Carolina , at the Flying Aces Pilot Association’s Frosty Dog fun fly held on New Year’s Day. We had over 15 pilots participate in this event this year. Coffee, hot chocolate , and doughnuts were provided to help ease chills on a cold January day. Joe Klabnik was the first to fly in 2025 with a challenging flight and a great landing. A good time was had by all. Here’s to a great flying season in 2025.
Jay Kuster
President, Flying Aces Pilot Association

Central Oklahoma RC Society
We had our most successful New Year’s Day “Freeze ‘n Fly”. We’re a small club in Norman, OK. We’re trying to build back up and I do believe we’ll get there. We had a fantastic day of flying. Temperatures were about 40⁰ most of the day with light north winds.
We had about 40 people come out to fly with us including several new people that we got up on a club trainer with a buddy box. The Spektrum SAFE addition lately has made learning to fly so much easier. We handed out about a dozen club applications.
We had great chili brought by new president, Marvin Barnes and John Lloyd. Other club members brought assorted other goodies.
We had several of us demonstrate combat flying. The crowd seemed very entertained by it.
David DeSelms
Pikes Peak RC Club
The Pikes Peak RC Club completed its annual Frozen Needle Valve Event on Wednesday, January 1st 2025, started at 8:00 am. It was 19 degrees and low fog but luckily for us, there was little to no wind. 22 pilots participated and everyone flew at least once before heading back to their vehicles to get warm. As the fog lingered, a few planes did get into the fog and managed to recover. Unfortunately, a few planes were not so lucky and spiraled into the ground. Overall, everyone had fun and is now ready for some warmer days!
Keith Davis
Pikes Peak RC Club Secretary

Lafayette Cloud Jockeys
Here are several photos from our Jan 1, 2025 Freeze Your Tail Off.
Our Club, the Lafayette Cloud Jockeys based in Lafayette, IN. Club #1069.
Randy Leazenby ama # 211241

Chicagoland Radio Control Modelers
Chicagoland Radio Control Modelers- based out of the Ned Brown Forest Preserves in Schaumburg, Illinois- is one of the oldest members of AMA!
Here we are at the field with 13 members on Wednesday morning, January 1st, 2025 with 15 degree temperatures and mild wind!

St. Louis Whirlybirds
The St. Louis Whirlybirds have held a NYDF for over 25 years. The club usually treats members to lunch after. It’s mandatory that every member gets at least one quick flight depending on the weather.
Thank you.
Jeffrey C. Young
President, St. Louis Whilybirds Helicopter Club

Thanks for posting these stories.