Leader Members have an excellent record of voting and replying to AMA requests for information. More than 50% vote on bylaw changes and reply to surveys. This is an impressive record.
This is an AMA vice president election year for District II, IV, VI, VIII, and X. Keep your club members informed on the elections and tell them where they can read campaign statements. The campaign statements run in the October issue of Model Aviation, are available on the AMA website, and some candidates might email theirs to district members. Encourage club members to vote even if the candidate is unopposed.
National Model Aviation Day is fast approaching and I really hope your club has registered. You can do this at nationalmodelaviationday.org/register/. Registration is free and your club can do anything it wants to do to celebrate. Some clubs have a regular day of flying, and some go all out. My club has a big picnic and invites the public.
Lastly, try to keep yourself and the club members up to date on FAA issues. AMA has done an excellent job of providing current information and publishes it in almost all AMA media sources.
Have fun and fly safe.