What are your plans for June 28-30 this year? Consider attending the AMA National Fun-Fly, which will take place on those dates at the International Aeromodeling Center (IAC) in Muncie, Indiana. This annual event, sponsored by Du-Bro, has been revamped and combined with a community day. Registration is now open!
The AMA Foundation team and AMA Headquarters staff have been working hard to make this gathering bigger and better than ever. In addition to three free days of fun-flying, pilots will be able to enjoy a free breakfast, a free dinner, a pilot hospitality tent, goody bags, flight demonstrations, paramotor flying, a swap shop, guest speakers, and activities throughout the 1,100-acre site.
Saturday, June 29, will be our special day for the community and local families. There will be free EAA Young Eagles flights at Reese Airport for kids ages 8 to 17. Visitors will also be able to build and launch rockets and FF model aircraft. An Indiana club will be offering buddy-box flying, and AMA’s brand-new flight simulator trailer will be on-site to try out.
At the north end of the property, near the HQ building, Cabela’s will be demonstrating fishing, and a local RC boat club will allow visitors to try their hands at RC boats. We also plan to have some adoptable furry friends on-site, an RC car track, quadcopter racing, and food trucks. Free transportation will be available on-site and the National Model Aviation Museum will be open and free for all to visit.
When you register, don’t forget to purchase your discounted event T-shirt. Please make sure to stop by and visit the AMA Foundation team and purchase some tickets for the pilot giveaway. More activities will be added as we get closer to the event.

All activities are subject to change, based on weather conditions.
Is this an RC only event?
No mention of CL……
I believe most of the site is open so the control line circles will be available.
yes, there will be several places to fly control line!