The Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) has concerns about the scope of the interpretation and the lack of safety data cited by the FAA to arrive at its position. EAA’s Advocacy and Safety Department is reviewing the original NTSB decision, the FAA’s appeal, and the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012, which orders the agency to create rulemaking and policy regarding unmanned aerial systems. After this review is complete, EAA will write and submit comments to the federal docket. EAA members are also encouraged to comment on the interpretation.
Read the complete post on EAA’s webpage…
EAA Reviewing Proposed Model Aircraft Policy
Rich Hanson
AMA Government and Regulatory Affairs
Why is the FAA attempting to apply a rule that didn’t exist at the time this event with the UAS occurred? If the flight occurred in 2011 and the rule came out in 2012, there is no infraction of the rule.