Exciting Information from Our Partner, Skydio!

Skydio is the leading U.S. drone manufacturer and world leader in autonomous flight. Skydio serves as the title sponsor for our 2023 Uncrewed Aircraft System for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (UAS4STEM) competition.

Logos for UAS4STEM and Skydio along with logos for AMA, EAA and the AMA Foundation.
Logos for UAS4STEM and Skydio along with logos for AMA, EAA and the AMA Foundation.

Senior Design Producer & Skydio For All Lead Mira Marquez recently promoted UAS4STEM on Skydio’s blog. This post, titled “Empowering Youth Drone Pilots at UAS4STEM,” covers the process and benefits of our STEM drone competition.

Check out the post to support our title sponsor, Skydio!

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