Fly a Rubber Band-Powered Aircraft This Year

If you want to have more fun in your life you should consider flying rubber band-powered aircraft. Personally, I have been a paper airplane pilot for most of my life as this form of flying has fit into my budget. I began flying in my elementary school, often when the teacher momentarily stepped out of the room. I delighted my classmates but disappointed my parents when I was sent to the principals office.

Flying rubber band planes gives you a couple advantages over paper airplanes. First, because of the rubber band turning the propeller and keeping your plane aloft for (usually) a much greater period of time. Secondly, it is too complicated to store in your desk thus ruling out the possibility of being given in-school detention.

When you have a more complicated aircraft there are some tweaks that can be made to keep it flying the way you want. You can also spend a lot of time winding up the propeller. And if you’re like me, you might wind the propeller the wrong way, and then it won’t fly at all.

So you might want to do some reading or video-watching to learn how to maximize your skills. The Academy of Model Aeronautics has information at this link. Knowledge is power, so study up and you will have more success. If you like the comradery of others who can help, a club is a great thing.

A great club to help you with all things “free flight” is the National Free Flight Society. They hold events all over the country. Since I am located in Indiana, I have been thinking about the Free Flight Society recently because they will be holding an event on March 26-27 inside the West Baden Springs Hotel in West Baden, Indiana. It is officially called the Jim Richmond Open. You can learn all the details by clicking on the link to the event flier.

The hotel is closed to the general public on March 26 so if you want to get inside, you’ll need to be part of this fun event. If my old principal shows up I will know that she is there for the flying and will not reprimand me if I give something a toss inside the historic atrium.


  1. Bom dia,
    Somos uma Associação sem fins lucrativos de educação não formal. Desenvolvemos atividades educativas nas area da educação Aeroespacial, aeromodelismo drones, rockets…
    Podemos criar em Portugal uma Academia AMA com ligação à vossa instituição?
    Muito obrigado
    Carlos Grácio

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