Aviation’s Newest Superhero

Sure, Black Panther has surpassed $1 billion at the box office since its recent release. And you probably know that the Marvel Comics’ franchise, The Avengers, is wildly popular with audiences worldwide. But did you know that aviation has its own superhero? Aviore was gifted to EAA by the Stan Lee Foundation (yes, THAT Stan Lee of Marvel fame). Aviore’s mission is to promote The Spirit of Aviation and the EAA’s Young Eagles program.

“It’s very important that we get young people more interested in aviation,” says Stan. “One of the problems is, it doesn’t seem as exciting or glamorous to them today because it’s all jet planes, and they have the notion the pilot gets in the cockpit, sits down, presses a button, and goes to sleep while the plane does the work. We’ve got to find a way to let the young people know that there’s something very heroic and glamorous about [flight], and it’s not as easy as it looks.”

So…who is Aviore? Jake Peregrine Howard — Perry to his friends — is a young high school student living on a farm just outside of Wichita, Kansas, who’s infatuated with the eagles and hawks he’s seen soaring in the skies above him. Then, a Young Eagles flight at the local airport — his first time in the air — changes his life forever. The event triggers a powerful transformation of both mind and body, as his senses became more acute and his mind sharpens, and Perry becomes a superhero, dedicating his life to using the power of flight to help those in need. As Aviore’s legend grows in tandem with his burgeoning superpowers, he becomes an inspiration to young people all over the world, encouraging them to follow their passions and find their place in the sky.

Learn More: www.Aviore.org


  1. Do we have action figures yet. I need a pilot figure for a new jet.

    And BTW Stan is right “it’s harder than it looks”. We may push buttons but it takes more than a few button pushes to get 500,000 lbs of plane across the ocean!

    Cool idea with Aviore!

    District 1 AVP
    Professional “Button pusher” by day!

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