Modeler feedback requested for UAV survey

California State University Channel Islands is seeking assistance from modelers throughout the country to take a national drone survey that will investigate the public perception of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). Faculty and students at the university are conducting this survey on behalf of their ESRM 370 undergraduate class and their Aerial and Aquatic Robotic Research (AARR) Laboratory group.  They are studying the current use of and attitudes toward UAV.   While the military use of these systems may often be what people think of when they hear about this technology, we are exploring the rapidly-expanding, non-military use of systems created by hobbyists, researchers, and private industry.

Participation in this study is voluntary. Information you provide will be anonymous. The survey will take approximately twelve minutes to complete and you need not have used a UAV before to participate in the survey. The results will be posted in April on the university’s AARR blog at

To take the survey visit:

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