Dave McDonald reported that the Lake Ozark Radio Control Society held its annual ProBro event on its traditional September date. The event was well attended. Everyone probably left a few pounds heavier because club members put together several wonderful meals with more food than you could eat.
Thanks for the club support and to all of the visitors, many of whom drove three or four hours to attend.

Kenneth Eckman, from the Ozark Mountain Barnstormers, shared the following:
I wanted to let you know about an unusual event that took place at our field a couple of weeks ago. A young member, whose family has a program that operates a day care for intellectually and physically disabled adults, arranged to have them visit our field. It gave them an outing, a field trip you might say, to observe the aircraft, and they watched some of the members fly their aircraft and enjoyed it very much. They had lots of questions and curious observations.

Roughly 18 were in the group, along with eight staff members. The club members who were there were enthusiastic to show what our club was all about and gave us a way to be involved in the community.
Brian Kobischka reported that the Rock Valley RC Flyers club was asked to participate in the Roscoe, Illinois, Trunk or Treat event, held on Saturday, October 19, 2024. The club’s role was to provide periodic flight demonstrations to entertain the ghouls and goblins and their families who attended the event.
One member’s wife, Debbie Brandt, unleashed her creative talent and designed the “Candy Land Airport,” complete with several RC airplanes on display. Candy and informational sheets about our club were handed out to hundreds of children in costume.
Club member Scott Hurley had the event sanctioned and served as the contest director. Other club members flew various airplanes and helicopters. Club members who participated included Roger Best, Steve Bland, Angelo Bouyoukas, David Brandt, Dennis Farrell, Bill Hartenberger, Scott Hurley, Brian Kobischka, and Wyatt Smith.
In keeping with the theme, Scott flew his crowd-favorite witch. The club is already preparing for a bigger and better demonstration next year!

I know that wintertime is not flying time; however, I also know that many of you fly all year round. I would like you to send me pictures and a short article and I will make sure it gets in the magazine.
Pictures of snow flying would even be better! It could simply be just a normal day’s flying. Email it to AMAdistrictVI@modelaircraft.org. Keep in mind that the pictures must be at least 500KB stand-alone jpg files.
Gary Himes
Vice President District VI