Harlan Davis reported that Dennis Bielecki’s daughter, Trish, contacted the Prop Masters RC Aero Club in Naperville, Illinois, to ask whether they would help her and her sister, Krista, honor her father on Father’s Day. Dennis loved model airplanes and built several flyable models. Trish loved helping her dad build airplanes.
Dennis never learned to fly his models. His death left an unfinished Sig Kadet Senior on his building table. Trish decided to complete the airplane in honor of her father. The club saw an opportunity for community service. Trish did an excellent job completing the model, and then provided some of Dennis’ ashes to put into the aircraft. Dennis got his first experience flying an RC airplane by riding in his own aircraft.

Dennis’ adult children, Trish, Krista, and Jim, plus family members and friends, attended the event. Michael Pfeifer flew the airplane with a smooth takeoff then circled a few times. Michael put the buddy box in Trish’s hands and tears came to her eyes as she played her dad’s favorite song on her cellphone while flying him around the field.
George Farris reported that the Converse Flying Eagles, in Converse, Indiana, held its second annual Kids and Eagles Fly-In for the Amboy Friends Church. The goal was to promote goodwill and generate interest in the hobby.
The club had a flight simulator and three buddy-box setups to let the kids fly a real RC airplane. Free lunch was provided, followed by a commercial drone demonstration. The finale was five RC airplanes dropping candy on the runway, and the kids rushing to find the candy.

Rege Hall shared that the Blacksheep RC Modelers, in Danville, Indiana, hosted its 17th annual Warbird Fly In. There was great weather, 31 registered pilots, and a huge variety of airplanes representing all eras, sizes, and propulsion systems. There were lots of foamies, turbine jets, EDFs, large-scale models, and everything in between.
Jeff Thomas shared that the Indy RC Modelers, in Indianapolis, hosted the Fly All in the Fall, with an optional fun-fly and swap meet. Thirty-five registered pilots attended and had more than 100 airplanes. This was the club’s annual “all-electric” event, but it was open to all types of power-plants. This is the club’s largest event each year. They held two optional fun-fly events for trophies and offered introductory flights for youth attendees and a midday youth Free Flight glider contest.

Charles Brooks reported that every year, his church has a fall festival with games and a hayride, along with food and other fun fall activities. This year, Charles decided to set up his flight simulator. He took my daughter’s Cub so that people could see the airplane they were flying. It was a big success, and a few kids became great fliers before the night was over.

Gary Himes
Vice President District VI