Remote ID Comment Period Has Ended. Now What?

The official comment period for the FAA’s proposed rule on remote ID has closed and we want to provide an update.

First – and most importantly – thank you for your unending support for model aviation and commitment to advocating on behalf of our beloved hobby.

Your comments make a difference. In the last several weeks, over 50,000 detailed comments were submitted. We deeply appreciate your efforts, especially those who have gone above and beyond by submitting multiple comments and encouraging friends and family to submit as well. This is an enormous number of comments, and we are overwhelmed with gratitude for your work on this important issue. All of your voices are critically important, and they make a difference. Thank you again for taking the time to participate in the remote ID rulemaking process.

In addition to your many comments, AMA HQ submitted its own formal comment detailing how the proposed rule would impact our community and the changes we want to see in the final rule. If you are interested in reading AMA’s full comment, it is available here.

Second, please know there is still a long road ahead. In fact, there is a lengthy bureaucratic process that the FAA must complete before a final rule is announced, including a review of each of the tens of thousands of comments you submitted. Once a final remote ID rule is announced, there will be a significant time period before that rule goes into effect and everyone must comply. The entire process will probably take several years. Rest assured, we will keep you updated along the way.

Third, and finally, the fight for a better remote ID rule is not over. During the next several months while the FAA is reviewing your comments, we will be coordinating closely with other groups who have a similar viewpoint on the rule as AMA. We will continue to meet with our allies in Congress about the importance of model aviation and the need to protect our community. In the near future, we may ask for your help contacting these members of Congress, so please continue to keep an eye on our advocacy website and social media.

For now, we are filled with gratitude for the AMA community and hope for the future. Keep up with the AMA Podcast and if you have any questions or simply want to connect with us, please call (765) 287-1256 or email