For more than 85 years, the Academy of Model Aeronautics has been proud to be part of this great hobby. But one thing is certain: we wouldn’t be here without you. This is your organization, and we want to make certain that future generations of model aviation enthusiasts continue to find value in belonging to our AMA community. To help us do that, we have recently conducted a membership survey to hear your perspective on a wide range of topics… from what benefits you find most valuable, to how we can better represent you and your passion for model aviation. Your opinions are essential as we seek to improve our organization and move into the future.

Now, if you didn’t receive a survey link, that’s ok! We still want to hear from you! You can visit to take the survey and have your voice heard.
No matter if you’re new to the AMA, or if you’ve been a lifelong modeler, we want your ideas to help us shape the next 85 years of aeromodeling.
Thank you!

Chad Budreau
AMA Executive Director
I fly powered gliders. Am I correct, or incorrect hopefully, that the new 400 foot limit for altitude also applies for gliders or is there some kind of work around. Basically a 400 ft limit would kill glider flying because part of the fun is riding a thermal air mass to higher altitudes.
I would like to know what do you think would be the easiest electric jet for a new flier to learn to fly.
Thanks Don Farmer
Jay Smith, Executive Editor of Model Aviation & Park Pilot, passed this along as a possibility..
Why is our AMA using that silly photo of the young boy wearing a helmet and goggles plus a leather jacket while holding a strange model with no visible means of propulsion and having a landing gear? Is glider ROG a new event?
– Today’s kids don’t wear leather helmets with goggles with leather jackets. This is not 1938 (by the way, I’m 89).
– If he’s to hold a model, make it appropriate to hjs age, and an attractive one. AMA Alpha?
Frankly, this illustration is an anachronistic fraud, totally misrepresenting young people and model aviation. Surely we can do better than this. Getting youngsters interested in model airplanes these days is difficult enough without resorting to a phony staged photo such as this.
FWIW, I’ve been an active AMA and free flight competitor member (29634) since about 1960.