The Current State of Remote ID
—AMA Staff
With September 16, 2023, the start date of the FAA’s requirement for Remote ID, only weeks away, numerous technical and administrative aspects are still evolving. This creates a challenging landscape for modelers who simply want to know what they must do to comply with the requirement.
The intent of this article is to provide the current state of affairs and address common questions/concerns, while acknowledging that further Remote ID-related developments are certainly coming.
What Is Remote ID?
The FAA’s Remote ID requirement has broad implications for commercial and recreational pilots of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS or RC aircraft models). This article focuses only on aspects that pertain to recreational RC pilots flying under USC 44809. (This applies to most AMA members.)
The Remote ID requirement dictates that RC model aircraft flying in the US must broadcast a signal that provides specific information. The FAA’s stated intent of this requirement is to provide real-time information for law enforcement officers who are investigating suspicious UAS flight activity.
What Are the Exceptions to Remote ID Requirement?
The Remote ID requirement does not apply if you are flying at an approved FAA-Recognized Identification Area (FRIA). Many AMA chartered flying clubs have already submitted applications to the FAA (through a recognized community-based organization such as AMA) to gain FRIA status for their field(s). This means that the most RC pilots who are flying at a club field will not have to worry about Remote ID.
Recreational RC models with a flying weight of less than 250 grams are exempt from the Remote ID requirement, even when not flying at a FRIA; however, this exemption does not apply if the model is listed under the pilot’s FAA UAS recreational pilot registration (the FAADroneZone).
Free Flight and Control Line models are exempt from the Remote ID requirement.
How Do I Comply With the Remote ID Requirement?

Models manufactured after December 16, 2022, and are sold as a complete, ready-to-fly package, must have built-in Remote ID broadcast capability. At present, this situation applies only to a selection of multirotors sold by companies such as DJI and Autel Robotics.
If you fly one of these Remote ID-equipped models, you are good to go. Check with the manufacturer if you are unsure of whether your multirotor is Remote ID compliant. Note that these models with factory-equipped Remote ID systems, must have their Remote ID broadcast active, even when flying at a FRIA.
By contrast, most traditional RC hobbyists fly models that require some degree of assembly or additional parts (e.g., the flight battery of an electric-powered ARF). These models do not have a built-in Remote ID broadcast ability. We must add that capability by using an FAA-approved Remote ID module.
Remote ID modules are small stand-alone components that work the same way as built-in Remote ID systems. These modules, however, can be temporarily attached to a selected model. You do not need a dedicated Remote ID module for each of your RC aircraft. You can purchase a single Remote ID module and move it from model to model.
When you purchase a Remote ID module, you must add the serial number of the module to your FAA UAS recreational pilot registration.
How Do I Choose a Remote ID Module?
There are currently fewer than 20 FAA-approved Remote ID modules available for purchase. That list will likely grow. The AMA does not endorse any specific Remote ID module or manufacturer, but you can read the Remote ID Module Status Report which compares many of the modules by the AMA Advanced Flight System Committee.”
Be aware that there is a considerable amount of variance among the currently available modules. It is important to understand the specific features of a given design before making a purchase.
Some Remote ID modules have a built-in battery, while others are powered through an external power source (e.g., an open servo port on the model’s receiver). This could be an important consideration in terms of weight and the accessibility of the receivers in your models.
There are Remote ID modules that include only the electronics, with no protective outer case. Omitting a case saves weight, but could cause durability issues and/or limit your options for mounting the module in your model(s). Presumably, most modelers will use hook-and-loop tape for mounting Remote ID modules.
Unfortunately, the average price point of the currently available Remote ID modules is significantly higher than the FAA’s original $50 estimate. Current prices range from $49 to $305 per module. Some of the least-costly Remote ID modules do not contain a built-in GPS chip, which is required to determine the mandatory location data. These Remote ID modules can only be used with models that already have some type of compatible GPS system that can be integrated with the Remote ID module. Such a GPS system would be an exceptionally rare feature for the recreational models that most of us fly. Thus, these types of Remote ID modules are not a viable option for many recreational pilots.
What Information Is Contained in the Remote ID Broadcast Message?
The FAA’s Remote ID requirements state that the following information must be included in the Remote ID broadcast when using a Remote ID module:
- Serial number of the Remote ID module
- Current location of the model (latitude, longitude, and altitude)
- Current velocity of the model
- Takeoff location of the model (which is presumably where the pilot is located)
- Time
It is possible that some modules might transmit additional information
Who Can Receive My Remote ID Broadcast?
Remote ID modules broadcast data using a Bluetooth or Wi-Fi signal that is intended to be received on a smartphone. Anyone with a smartphone who is running a Remote ID-capable app and is within range of the signal can potentially read the data from your model’s Remote ID module.
If your Remote ID module is broadcasting only the minimum required data listed previously, civilians reading Remote ID data will not be privy to your name or any private information; however, law enforcement officers will be able to cross-reference the Remote ID module serial number with the data in your FAA UAS registration.
Pending Questions
Approximately 200 AMA club fields have received FRIA status approval thus far. The current approval rate suggests that many hundreds of FRIA applications will still be in the FAA’s queue when the Remote ID requirement goes into effect on September 16, 2023. It is unclear whether the FAA expects modelers flying at sites with a pending FRIA application to use Remote ID modules after this date. AMA expects the FAA to address this concern before the deadline.
The advent of Remote ID introduces numerous unproven technologies and processes for modelers, the FAA, and law enforcement officers. There are bound to be unforeseen hiccups and breakdowns as all sides come to terms with this unprecedented level of oversight with RC flying. We will provide updates to the Remote ID situation as they unfold.
Autel Robotics
FAA Recreational UAS Registration
FAA Remote ID Requirements USC 44809-Exception for limited recreational operations of unmanned aircraft
FAA Remote ID Toolkit
While not endorsing any specific RID, could you provide a list of providers and hyperlinks to their websites… I’m 50 miles from the closest FRIA, in the country, on 2.2 acres and will be flying my aircraft (fixed wing 1/4scale) from my back yard. I’m going to need an RID to be compliant.
How about providing a detailed list of remote ID hardware with web links, pricing, etc? Saying there are fewer than 20 FAA-approved Remote ID modules available for purchase and not providing any information about them or where to get them is not very helpful.
If you take away all the guns, only the outlaws will have guns… The people who comply to the ID requirements are not or will be the problem. Maybe the FAA could provide free modules as an incentive? They cant do that because they are giving all our money to other countries instead of using it for the USA. So for now my people good luck.
This is real progress: a regulation that imposes significant requirements, goes into effect without most individuals knowing how to comply with it, requiring equipment that is not available particularly, and a lot of FRIA’s are not yet approved, or probably even applied for.
Is there going to be a list of approved FRIAs available to AMA members? How about the manufacturers of the transponders? My internet research turns up perhaps a couple, and I read here that the reasonable cost ones will not have a GPS. When I look up transponders, mostly I get full size plane ones for thousands of dollars.
Perhaps a moratorium on this going into effect is in order, until AMA, FAA and manufacturers can figure it out better. It is in one word “onerous.”
This is a very slow process with establishing FRIA sites. How can I find a FRIA site in my area?
your hard work is dearly appreciated, although the hobby of flying rc aircraft has taken many changes in the past few years, AMA has been on top of the issues effecting us modelers.
thank you
How about a listing of currently available Remote ID modules? Wouldn’t that help all parties?
I have been flying model airplanes since 1962. I am not a club member and will not be flying at a FRIA. I have been flying slope and thermal gliders on private property for the last 43 years.
I have searched the web and found very few modules. How about publishing a regularly updated list of the modules available, along with specifications and whether they are standalone modules?
One of my models is a sleek little 12 ounce sailplane. I really don’t want to hang a 200 dollar, 2 ounce electronic brick on it. We are less than a month away from September 16th, and at this time, I see no viable solutions for me to go flying after that.
I feel like I’m coming down to three choices- pay money for aerodynamic drag that will do absolutely nothing to promote air safety, don’t bother with a module and commit the crime of flying a model sailplane. or just have a bonfire of balsa, EPP foam, and electronics – and remember how good it used to be.
Sounds as the FAA wants to run us. If we as fliers must have this, the FAA should provide a common price, that is affordable. I do not approve of where this is leading.. Your work on this is commendable but it may not be enough to keep us flying. The Govorment takes more every year.
Next they will require a Pilots Lic..
If I own a pre-December-2022 DJI drone do I have to add a remoteID?
Does this apply to my airplane that has NO CAMERA unlike a drone that does.?
vey confusing
There is a lot of confusion regarding the range of the remote ID modules. Everyone knows that bluetooth has a very limited range. There is however something called Bluetooth “long range” 4.0 or 5.0. Do all remote id modules on the market use this? How does one know if a module has the long range version, given they are all called bluetooth 4.0 or 5.0, and another one called Bluetooth LE (low energy)?
Just a note. I got a notice to renew my FAA license. I went to the FAA Drone Zone site, started the renewal and could not proceed until I registered a remote ID device. I do not have one yet. While I understand you cannot recommend a manufacturer or product, is there a list of companies that currently provide the devices, can this be in the list of links above?
Judging by the reported rejection rate of applications for FRIA the Chicago area will have less than half of the current sites with the designation.
Since most of the sites are on public lands the local governments may become reluctant to continue sponsoring these sites.
What is the plan to replace these sites and who will pay for them.