FRIA Process Improves

By Lucas Rodden, Flying Site Coordinator |

For the past year and a half, AMA team members from several departments have been hard at work filing clubs’ requests for FAA-Recognized Identification Areas (FRIAs). The clubs’ geographic boundaries, once approved, allow for pilots to fly without the need for Remote ID modules in their aircraft.

After the delay of the original enforcement date of September 16, 2023, we have reached the final date of March 16, 2024, with more than 1,800 approvals and a 96% success rate of establishing FRIAs for the clubs that wanted them.

Although we’re delighted at the overall progress, we’re not yet finished. One of the biggest issues that we’ve faced is the establishment of FRIAs for clubs that are in proximity to or located on airports. Even though some clubs in this situation have been approved, the process has been inconsistent, and AMA was not satisfied with any of these clubs being left behind.

Slightly before the March 16, 2024, deadline was reached, the FAA granted AMA’s months-long request for an alternate Remote ID exemption process that can accommodate these airport locations. We’ve already seen some of these FRIA denials approved for Remote ID exemption under this new process and expect to see the remaining clubs approved in the future.

As these processes develop and solidify, they ensure that both new applications and the renewals we’ll face again in roughly four years can expect a much smoother and faster process to approval for Remote ID exemption.

Despite initial setbacks, the processes for Remote ID exemption, coupled with AMA’s new ability to grant short-term Remote ID waivers for sanctioned events, means that the majority of day-to-day flying for our members and clubs can take place without being encumbered by the expense or technical hassle of Remote ID modules. AMA is looking forward to continuing our advocacy for the hobby and removing any possible obstacles for our members to enjoy flying as they always have.

General inquiries about Remote ID exemptions can be sent to, or you can reach out to Lucas Rodden at to discuss your club’s situation and which Remote ID exemption method best fits your situation.


  1. Thank you for what you do for us. My club was originally denied and you worked at it and got us approved.

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