With great sadness, we report the passing of former AMA President Donald (Don) Lowe. He was an AMA Fellow, the 21st president of AMA, and the 21st AMA Life Member. He leaves behind an unparalleled legacy to the hobby, the organization, and aviation in general. He was 98. More information will be provided on AMA’s media channels soon.

One of the truly remarkable pioneers of our hobby.
It is with great sorrow to hear of the passing of Don, the man, the legend, the mentor and the friend.
It was Don who was instrumental in many ways in encouraging me in the art of RC aviation. Through Don, my interests in pattern competition solidified and while progress beyond advanced class was not forthcoming, the enjoyment and camaraderie of the sport will always be remembered,
Don, while the 5, 6, 7 & 8 may not be of late, your ride on your PHOENIX will fly you through the Pearly Gate.
Bon Voyage,
George B.
W.O.R.K.S, circa 1974-1979.
Don was a true gentleman and an internationally recognized fountain of knowledge to all things aviation.
I truly feel his loss. No finer man stepped into our club in Puerto Rico, where he was loved and respected.
Fly high and peacefully, my friend!
Gus Diaz
Borinquen R/C Model Club
San Juan, PR
My deepest sympathy to family. Such a remarkable legacy!
He was a contestant at the first Pattern Contest I attended then many, many more over the years.
Interesting guy to talk to and seemingly the center of an amazing group of guys.
He/they contributed mightily to every phase of Pattern.
A life well lived, a great man and an exemplary AMA President, I had the opportunity of meeting him along with our late Dave Brown who followed his presidency, amazing people who will left big shoes to fill, may he rest in peace and thanks for your invaluable service and friendship.
Louis M. Escalona Mc Allen Texas
I attend a pattern seminar at which Mr. Lowe was a presenter. He was a wealth of information and yet so humble. An enjoyable and rewarding experience. RIP sir.
Don Lowe has been a “name” in modeling since I became an AMA member at 12 in 1967. By the time I was 16 and starting in Radio Control he, Kraft, Chidgey et al were the flyers we all aspired to be. An entire generation was inspired and spurred on by their craftsmanship, skill and expertise displayed… long before computer radios, mixing and dual rates. Fellows like Don will be missed but we’re all blessed for having been part of their era. Tailwinds forever from AMA 72184!
Caroline & I are sad to hear about our friend Don, but happy he has joined his sweet wife Clara. Our condolences to Jon Lowe and the entire family.
We’ll always remember Don for his help with Carden Aircraft over the 30 years, as well as his wonderful dry sense of humor. Don asked Caroline to scribe for him one year when he was judging at the Don Lowe Masters at Tripletree. He asked Caroline how she would score each flight before he gave her his score to mark down, as well as his reasoning for the score. During the break Caroline thanked Don for his help in better understanding judging. She told him that she believed he was an excellent judge.
Don replied in a serious tone, “sweetheart, I’m the best judge money can buy.” 😎
Dennis & Caroline Gergits
So good to see Mr. Bennett’s comment! I was fortunate back in days when I was an aspiring pattern flyer, to be able to judge both Mr. Lowe and Mr. Bennett. As I recall, Don was doing a lot of work out of Wright-Patterson on early drones. Mr. Bennett taught us that flying a big open pattern could be quite revealing and I always thought far more fun!
I met Don many years ago at our flying field in Apopka, Florida. Don was a mover and shaker in the industry/hobby and I learned much from him. As President of the Remote Control Association of Central Florida, I brought to our membership a request to rename our field Don Lowe field. This was accomplished two years ago and Don, even at 98 would drive himself to the field most everyday. I will surely miss him. He left us a legacy of true modeling, friendly competition and camaraderie in model aviation, RIP Don “The Legend” Lowe.
We used to talk with him up in the balcony at the original WRAM show in the White Planes Civic Center. He was very personable and easy to talk to. He had a wealth of knowledge and taught us pattern guys a lot. He will be missed.
Part of my thirteen + year tenure on the AMA Executive Council as District IX Vice President I had the good fortune of working with Don on various sub-committees and AMA Council projects. Always the consummate gentleman he would recognize and show respect for diverse ideas from other council members. His leadership style was a perfect match for the group of council members. He led by example and council members always appreciated his vision as inspiring and ambitious. He faced challenges as opportunities to better service AMA and expected council members to find their comfort level as they embarked on their own District level projects and AMA sub-committee’s work. Don was retired from the Air Force and no doubt had the opportunity to learn about Leadership styles while serving our Country in the military.
The first Council meeting after Don became the AMA President, he started the meeting by asking the Council members to join him with an attitude of prayer, in which he asked for wisdom and courage while making decisions. This was the first AMA Council meeting I had attended that started with a prayer. It was inspiring to all Council members that day and throughout his tenure as AMA President.
It was during this time frame I was doing a lot of pattern judging and Don was a consummate R/C Pattern flyer and competition pilot. When he would ask for feedback on his flights, he was always respectful and polite even if he disagreed with his scores on a particular flight. As a result judging decisions could end up with a judge learning finer details about specific maneuver from a pilots point of view.
Don will surely be missed as time marches on by those fortunate enough to have known him and worked with him, learned from him and respected him.
Travis McGinnis
AMA Life member L418
As a teenager my Dad and I flew
pattern competitions. I was able to
see both Dave Brown and Don Lowe
compete. Never have I seen 3 axial rolls executed more perfectly than Don
did that day almost 50 years ago !
Ronald Mong
Columbus, OH
I was fortunate enough to have met Don in the 2001 era when he and his wife were summer residents of far Upstate New York, and he was a wonderful flying companion. I have been trying to contact him for a while and feel a great loss to the community. I’m sure that #29 has forgotten far more about the science of flying than most of us will attain in this lifetime. Still have a Sukoi that I was happy to relive him of. A greater friend one could seldom find. Wide open skies and fair winds my friend……
see above
Sad to hear of Don’s passing. He is flying unhindered now! I remember standing next to him flying outside of Orlando, around thirty or so years ago, and thinking how cool it was to be there flying with the AMA president and learning the lomcevak! He was a great resource and all-around good guy. I miss those days!
Godspeed, Don!
As a club president and R/C Contest Coordinator during Don’s administration, I knew Don well and will miss him very much. My club, Tidewater Radio Control, hosted the Nats at NALF Fentress in Chesapeake, Virginia, and Don played an active role in that event as well as the many pattern Masters events we hosted.
Gonna miss you Don….those days at R/C World with Lee Painter and you guys flying Walter Belmer from NY..
See you when my time comes….
Say hello to Steve Helms for me…
Paul Maharis
Great man just to be around.
Interesting . Gave my son a patern plane. Just to get him into the hobby
Will be missed
Sad to see him leaving us. He was a big part of AMA and a name I remember fondly
I competed against Don in the late 60’s and early 70’s. He had called me when he heard I had actually flown a Lockheed RPV R/C Plane thru a 6 foot target on our Lockheed RPV Program. He asked me many questions about how we did it and what was used. He was an honest person and I always enjoyed talking with him during our Stunt Competitions at the Nationals.
Followed his achievements since I was a teenager. Much respected.
It is sad to learn of Don’s passing. He was a great guy. super competitor, and a friend. R.I.P.
When I was a young First Lieutenant F-4 Fighter Pilot at Nellis AFB, NV, I was competing in AMA Advanced Aerobatics at the old North Las Vegas RC Field. I was using John Brink’s Novi Arrow (American Aircraft Modeler 1974) as my competition ship. It had a tendency to roll opposite the rudder and I was puzzled why. I knew Don was at Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio in the Aeronautics section and decided to call him to ask his advice. I used the AutoVon phone system and got him on the phone. I explained what the Novi was doing and he told me to put dihedral in the wing. The Novi Arrow had none. I worked up my courage and sawed through the center section as he advised and put in 3 degrees of dihedral. It worked perfectly. That was the kind of engineer Don was and the gentleman too. He took time to help a fellow modeler.
Tom McClain
Sun City, AZ
I have read about Don Lowe in the mags since I was a teenager. (68 now). I always enjoyed all the info, and articles he was involved with. RIP Mr Lowe. My condolences to family and friends.
Jim Bennet, Dave Brown and Don Lowe are old pattern freinds of mine. We attended many many events over the years. He will be missed.
I talked with Don during our 1969/70 Nationals as we competed against each other in Pattern flying at the Nationals. He was always an honest person and gentleman He called me when I was flying a Lockheed RPV as I had flown this thru a 6ft target. He was involved with the RPV development during this time. This had not been done before and we compared notes on it.
He was a great asset to the R/V hobby and AMA. Don RIP
Larry Leonard
Caroline and I are sad to hear about our friend Don joining his sweet wife.
We’ll always remember Don and Clara for the many enjoyable conversations over the years. We’ll especially miss Don’s wonderfully dry sense of humor. Condolences to Jon and the entire family.
Sad to hear of Don’s passing. He is now flying unhindered! Don was a great resource and all around good guy! I remember standing next to him when he was flying an early G-Shark, about thirty or so years ago outside of Orlando. He was explaining and demonstrating how to lomcevak. I remember thinking how cool it was to be learning and flying with the AMA president! He will be missed. Godspeed, Don!
Don was considered one of the most knowledgeable RC flyers in the Dayton, Ohio area and as a 16 year old sailplane competitor, in 1973, he “took us to school” even though his passion was Pattern flying. Just getting back into RC flying after 49 years and I’m sorry to hear of his passing.
John Prater