The 64th annual Toledo Expo held April 7-8-9, 2018 is history and from all indications was a success. I talked to several seasoned vendors and all were pleased with some having record sales or at the least exceeded last year’s sales. I can tell you the AMA booth was very busy with renewals and members stopping by to discuss our hobby. Is the Toledo show as big as it used to be? No. Is the hobby the same as it was 5, 10, 15, years ago? Heck no! Are clubs doing things to attract new members? Yes! Can we all do more to help shape the future of our beloved hobby/passion? Yes. While the hobby is going through significant changes we must look at the areas where growth is positive. Drone racing, aerial drone photography, professional drone use such as first responders, etc. While this is not traditional model aviation to us seasoned members it is a part of model aviation today. Invite these groups to your clubs and flying fields and you will help keep our hobby alive and moving into the future. In addition, you and your fellow flying friends may learn something new and exciting to add to the enjoyment of our hobby.
AMA District Meeting Well Received
Once again we held an AMA district meeting at the Toledo Expo. On Saturday AMA District III, VI, & VII Vice presidents held an informational meeting that was again well attended and standing room only. After introductions of area AVP’s and AMA officials many topics were discussed such as Camp AMA, TAG, Leader Member and more. Government relations leader Chad Budreau and AMA President Rich Hansen gave up dates on the latest happenings in Washington DC that could have an impact on the law known as section 336 that protects our freedom to fly. I urge all members to monitor closely the communications coming from AMA in the future on this important issue.
We Have A Winner!