How Do I Become An Intro Pilot Instructor?

Are you a club member wanting to introduce your hobby to a non-AMA member? The Introductory Pilot Program was created to allow club members the opportunity to invite someone that may have an interest in aeromodeling to the club flying site. The non-AMA member may fly under the direct supervision of a club-designated Introductory Pilot Instructor, and receive AMA’s liability insurance for a period of 90 days. Read on to learn more about how you can participate in this exciting new program!

intro pilot

AMA Introductory Pilot Program

To apply:

  • Register on the AMA website HERE. This form may only be completed by a club officer, and you must login to the website before it will allow you to view the form.
  • The Intro Pilot Instructor designees must be a current member of the AMA and should be experienced instructors.
  • Once approved, the Intro Pilot Instructor will receive a new AMA card with their new designation.

Duties of the AMA Intro Pilot Instructor

1. Once you’ve been designated as one of your club’s Intro Pilot Mentors, you need to have a supply of the Student Pilot Registration Form #2. You should also have a supply of the “Welcome to Aeromodeling” package provided by AMA. These forms can be requested from AMA HQ once you have been designated as one of your club’s Intro Pilot Mentors.

2. Have your student fill out the Student Pilot Registration Form #2.

3. Send the Registration Form to AMA HQ. The forms can be submitted online here; faxed to (765) 286-3303; emailed to; or mailed to AMA HQ. It’s important for the Student Registration Form to be submitted to AMA HQ within 48 hours of the student’s first flight.

4. Give each student copies of the official AMA Introductory Pilot Program outlining its procedures and the AMA National Model Aircraft Safety Code.

5. Proceed as usual with your program of flight instruction. The student is covered under the AMA’s liability insurance policy, as long as he/she is flying at the club site under your direct, one-on-one supervision, for a period of 90 days of the student’s first flight.

6. If there is an incident that may involve a claim on the AMA’s insurance policy, it is the responsibility of the Intro Pilot Instructor and/or club officers to make a telephone report to AMA HQ by the close of business the following business day. A follow up, written report is also required.

Read the full Introductory Pilot Program description HERE
For questions about the program, contact AMA Headquarters at 765-287-1256 Ext. 291, or email


  1. How does one access the “Form #1, Pilot Instructor Designation Form”? Searches take you to pages whereby the results yield a “Page Not Found” error.

  2. The link to Form#1 results in page not found. Please send me the form and correct the link so I can get registered as an instructor… thanks.

  3. I am a current intro pilot, AMA #672196. I have recently joined another club and they want to sponsor Big Brothers/Big Sisters to an event. Would you please send me a packet of Form #2 to show the new Club?
    Jack P. Shafer, Col, USAF (Ret)

    1. Hi Jack,
      Thank you for reaching out to us! I will mail the forms to you this week.

      Julia Bladen
      AMA Education Specialist

    1. These forms are available once they have been designated as one of the clubs Intro Pilot Mentors. If you are an Intro Pilot Mentor, please reach out to to request form #2 so you have it before you are at the field, especially since you don’t have an internet connection! Thanks!

  4. For crying out loud, review your materials on the student instructors program for broken links to the student and instructor applications.. Very frustrating….

    1. Thanks for bringing the broken links to our attention. I’ve updated those links to the correct locations.

    1. For one of the links you have to be logged into the site to access the form. I think that’s the one that is coming up broken.

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