AMA Flightline Video Contest

This month, a contest!  Yes, a contest that you can enter, work with someone on, tell anyone about…. So here’s the deal.  As we develop the AMA Flight School website, the conversation started that content is everything.  One of the best types of content we can have is video, so we’re going to have a video contest of stuff generated by the best in model aviation – our members!  Here’s how it works:

Video Contest Categories:

  • Best Youth Member 3D Extreme
  • Best beginners “how-to” videos for RC, Park Flyers, Control Line, Heli, and Free Flight
  • Best RC Indoor video
  • Best Free Flight Indoor video
  • Best Club Promotional video
  • Best AMA Recruiting video – both club and individual
  • Best Aeromodeling Safety video

Deadline Sept 30

  • Each category winner will receive a “Beginner” radio system and be recognized in this column
  • Judging will be done by the Education Committee online
  • Dave Gee, Model Aviation Safety Columnist and member of the Education Committee provided a sample how-to video
  • Submit your videos by sending an email to,, with “Video Contest” in the subject and the YouTube/video link in the email body.

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