My name is RJ Gritter. I live in Greensboro, NC and am 21 years old. I’m a student at NC State University for Aerospace Engineering, as well as a Flight Test Instrumentation Engineer at Atlantic Aero in Greensboro. I’m a licensed private pilot of “full scale” aircraft and have flown my whole life. I officially learned to fly radio controlled airplanes when I was 12 at the Greensboro Radio Aeromodelers(GRAMS) chartered club in NC. I started flying competitively when I was 16 in the Electric Tournament of Champions(ETOC). I have flown every ETOC since then, the Extreme Flight Championships(XFC) the past 5 years, and multiple smaller contests including IMAC and pattern. I enjoy many aspects of the hobby, from micro models to giant scale, gas and electric, jets and helicopters. | |
RJ flying at the Indianapolis Children’s Museum.