AMA club introduces RC airplanes to high school students

Students from Derry Area Senior High School spent a day at the flying field with the Laurel Highlands Model Airplane Club. There they were given the opportunity to do buddy-boxing and view flight demonstrations. After the field trip, some of the students were already planning their next trip to the field! AMA member Mark Withrow organized the activities, and received a nice follow-up from the teacher:

Hi Mark!!

 I don’t even know where to begin!!

The students are still talking about their day at the RC airfield! The classes were wonderful, the flight demonstrations took their collective breath away, and the chance for them to pilot aircraft was priceless  — and the fly over? Unreal! — ….but I must tell you, the most valuable part of the day was the chance to interact with you and all the gentlemen from the club. You are all such natural and talented mentors! Our kids need adults who care, and you all went above and beyond in that department!! Your sincerity and genuine interest in the kids is awe-inspiring. 

I have several students already planning to stop by the airfield this summer, and a number of others who are already asking if we can come back next school year. If the club is up for the challenge, we would definitely love to continue the journey we have embarked upon with you! I will be working over the summer to beef up our in-school work with the Aerolab materials. My students are very interested in building some of their own models, and on the ride home from the airfield, they came up with an idea to build a small wind tunnel to test airfoil designs. How cool!I’m not sure exactly what I have gotten myself into, but I am ready for the adventure!

Please stay in touch, and let me know what the club is up to. I also casually mentioned the possibility of bringing to and the other gentlemen to our school to do a flight demonstration at the football field. The idea was met with approval and excitement. Maybe an idea for next year?

I cannot express how grateful I am for all you and the club have done to make such an incredible experience for us. I have one student who told me this was the best trip/activity we did this year! I agree completely!

Enjoy the summer, Mark, and God Bless!

In Deep Gratitude — Annie DeFabo”


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This is another wonderful example of a club reaching out and making a positive connection in their community! For guidance and/or assistance with your club’s outreach efforts, contact the AMA Education Team. Happy Flying!



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