Education team Partners with FAA to Present AMA STEM Programs

The FAA/AVS STEM Career Symposium is a virtual, nationwide event that is designed to educate middle school- to college-aged students about careers in aviation and STEM education, as well as encouraging them to explore and pursue these career fields. 

 The AMA participated in the 2023 Symposium through both a livestream presentation and a digital booth in the virtual exhibit hall. The booth housed AMA videos, links, resources, and access to AMA employees prepared to answer questions. 

 AMA presented one of seven livestreams. This livestream, titled Inspiring and Supporting Aviation, shared the history of the AMA and the educational resources we provide to foster enthusiasm within our hobby and sport.  

Feel free to share with members of your club, educators, or with new members who may not know about AMA’s Education department’s efforts for STEM-related learning opportunities and growing interest in the field of model aeronautics. 

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